Hit Bottom
(and stay there...)
- …
Hit Bottom
(and stay there...)
- …
Hit Bottom
...and stay there.
How can you tell you are at Bottom?
There is nothing left to lose.
You have no more Stories.
A Story is something you cling to as a life ring, as if the Story could help you survive.
But what survives in Stories is not you. It is your Box.
Having a Story means you are not at the Bottom because you still have something left to lose.
What Is It To Hit Bottom?
If your nervous system has been oversensitized through physical or psychological abuse...
If you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)....
If you tend to relive traumatic events from war or from your childhood through nightmares and flashbacks...
If you experience being isolated, irritable, guilty...
If you have problems sleeping, such as insomnia, and find concentrating difficult...
we recommend that you DO NOT read through this website now.
Formal Preparations are needed to make use of the possibility of Hitting Bottom that is offered here.
These Preparations could take a couple of years of guided work in a Team to accomplish.
For example:
You need to be absurdly effective at staying in Possibilitator First Position, that is, Centered, Grounded, Bubbled, and Present in a Minimized NOW with your Sword Of Clarity out and your Bullshit Detector full on.
You need to have dropped a lot of your ordinary cultural Baggage.
You need to have shifted out of Verbal Reality and into Experiential Reality.
You need to be good at Inner Navigating your 4 Feelings and your 4 Emotions, at both low and high levels of intensity, naturally using your Feelings for handling things and your Emotions for healing things.
You need to be able to Unmix your Emotions.
You need to be living with Upgraded Thoughtware, including the New Thoughtmap of Four Feelings from Valerie Lankford.
You need to be okay with consciously Navigating Space into all 3 Worlds: the Middleworld, the Underworld, and the Upperworld.
And so on...
If you have any doubts (uncertainties, fears, confusion) or are feeling 'pressured' to Hit Bottom, we strongly recommend connecting with a Possibility Coach and asking them to help assess where you are with regards to Hitting Bottom.
Most people even after years of practice are not friends with their fear. They refuse to acknowledge Low Intensity fear in their daily lives, so they cannot communicate about their fears. They are not letting Low Intensity fears reveal their wisdom.
Why is this?
What is your Stand with your fear?
Can you be more than a match for your fear? Or does your fear force you into submission... numb, frozen, speechless, dead.
How can you become afraid and not frozen? 'Is that even possible?' you may wonder.
What if there were a consciously Cavitated and Held Space so safe that your Survival Strategy was not even triggered? It is so safe that your Box and your Gremlin cannot shut down the space with their 'neediness', their demands, and their sabotage tricks. How would you behave in that Space?
In a Space like this, it is impossible to do it wrong.
In such a Space, you cannot have the wrong answer.
We have provided this super safe Space hundreds of times for thousands of people for over twenty-five years...
and people cannot enter this Space because they are still in school, still in their family.
They are already dead, having decided long ago that it was safer to be dead than to be alive.
Their 'fog'-generating Mind Machines pump out confusion and dunderheadedness until the person cannnot even think about what they are doing, or notice the opportunities they are missing. They still cannot speak or act spontaneously without their Gremlin agenda prevailing.
They are a total mess.
How can a person learn to let their heart speak even when they are a mess?
What is the fear about simple Presence, Connection, and Radical Relating?
Since you were eighteen years of age, there was always the possibility of being yourself without pressuring yourself in any situation. The Space is safe for you to allow yourself to feel and communicate whatever percentage intensity of fear you wish. It is and has been entirely up to you so frame up your interactions. Still you are frozen.
The Spaceholder is risking full out to Cavitate and Navigate this super safe space. It is time to play ball, to exchange, to make Proposals and Negotiate Intimacies for real. What are you willing to risk without putting on the show, without trying to be funny, without pretending as if you are a good person.
How is that for you to have been terrorized into being so much of a Victim that the world can only be a Low Drama for you?
Why is it that you can only speak to not offend people?
You are the mess.
What happens if you stop believing your own Victim Story? Yes... that is the fear we are talking about. That is the fear that owns your voice, your feet, your hands, your mind and your heart.
How is it for you to have to sacrifice Love and real Presence in order to keep the show going on, rather than being really there, really you, really connected, collaboratively interactive?
Something other than Emotional Fear will appear only if you stay at exactly that place of acknowledging that you have sacrificed your Authenticity.
How is it for you to be stuck in your head's version of the world? How is it for you to never be truly seen or heard?
The Bottom begins in your pain of not being Present in your own life or for the people with whom you relate. What if you do not notice it? What if you cannot feel that pain?
How can you dare to feel that pain without automatically triggering the self-made Story that you are a loser, a worthless piece of shit in the world?
These Stories about yourself are you primary Survival Strategy. If you can kill yourself first, then no one else has to suppress or subdue you. You are already doing it to yourself far worse than they could ever to it to you, because you believe that what you think is true is actually true. You are a master at fooling yourself about this.
Why hit bottom? Because when nothing else works and nothing else exists, there are no stories.
Imagine that for a moment. No stories... about anything.
There are still feelings at the Bottom, but the feelings have no Stories tied to them.
And the feelings have words. Your heart can use words to communicate its feelings directly to another person without tying on any Story from your mind.
The words of your feelings from your heart are a bridge that your heart builds so that the experience of its feelings can be transmitted over to another person's heart, and in their heart (not in their mind) they 'get' (not 'understand') what your heart is feeling. This actually works. This actually is a basis for Radical Relating. This actually is a set of simple skills that you can learn.
Your heart can use words to say 'what is' without holding on to a story about 'what is'.
The heart can say the next thing, and the next thing, and even if the things are contradictory and seem 'crazy' in the view of the mind, they are not contradictory or crazy in the view of the heart. What matters to the mind may not matter to the heart at all.
If you have a sensation of 'being pressured' from someone or something outside of you, it is a twisted story - a 'racket' with a hidden payoff - that you use to cover over your fear. This is a parallel situation to anger. If you have a sensation of 'being confused', this is a twisted story - a 'racket' covering over your anger.
If instead of saying, "I feel confused..." or, "You are confusing me!" you say, "I feel angry about..." you will be much closer to the truth, much closer to the Bottom of things.
If instead of saying, "I feel pressured..." or, "You are pressuring me!" you say, "I feel scared about..." you will be much closer to the truth, much closer to the Bottom of things.
Ahh! We are finding a way to Hit Bottom. Stop the rackets. Speak the truth.
How can you tell if you are at the Bottom? You can tell because you are not telling a Story. There are no Assumptions, no Expectations, no Conclusions, no Projections, no Judgments, no Prejudices, etc.
Your Work is to find all the subtle twisted ways you destroy the Space of Radical Relating by going away from the Bottom.
You will stay at the Bottom if you say what needs to be said from the Bottom's perspective. This may be far less than what your mind or your Box and Gremlin Survival Strategy blah-blah are comfortable and familiar with saying. Making a cloud of verbal distractions and stink is how to leave the Bottom, not stay at the Bottom.
Say what needs to be said from being in Integrity with yourself, from being Accountable for your life. What is your Stand right now, without lying? This is what needs to be said. What are you actually trying to create?
The term 'Hit Bottom' emerged in the 1960's
From the viewpoint of the ordinary sleeping Zombie world, to 'Hit Bottom' means to be a failure in marriage, to lose your job, to have the bank repossess your home, to get addicted to drugs, or to be convicted of a crime and put in prison.
If you 'Hit Bottom' then you modern culture may send you to a counseling center where you start sessions with a psychologist who may force you to take mood-altering brain drugs.
Modern culture uses a model of '2 Phase Healing'. In Phase 1 you are viewed as 'being well'. In Phase 2 you are viewed as being sick or unwell. The aim of the healer or therapist is to bring you back to how you were in Phase 1, forgetting that the conditions of Phase 1 are what made you sick in the first place.
Here we are proposing a model from Archiarchy of '3 Phase Healing'. In Phase 1 your are viewed as where you are on your evolutionary Path. In Phase 2 you are viewed as being in a transformational Liquid State in one or more of your 5 Bodies. Then the aim of the Possibilitator is to provide Clarity and Possibility which you can use to go through the 5 Body shift or expansion processes so that you efficiently stabilize in Phase 3, which is being a new person with expanded Matrix able to navigate your next steps along your Path.
From the Archan perspective, Hitting Bottom is something to celebrate in the same way that a caterpillar would celebrate the outrageously disturbing discomfort of having to weave herself into a chrysalis and melt down into paste on her way to becoming a butterfly, even if she never saw or heard of a 'butterfly' in her caterpillar condition.
In the case of this website, we recommend that you 'Hit Bottom' as often and as thoroughly as possible. If you Hit Bottom three times before breakfast, this could be the start of a very fine day.
To Hit Bottom begins the transformational Phoenix Process.
Another way to view it is that to Hit Bottom is to 'enter reality'.
Each Story has a Purpose which can be detected with a calibrated Purpose Sniffer, one of a Possibilitator's 13 Tools. Every Story is headed somewhere. It has an agenda, a plan. That Purpose can be detected the moment the Story is spoken by the tone of voice, by the speaker's intention, by where the speaker places their attention.
You can accurately discern the Purpose of your own Story, or the Purpose of any other Story, by 'following the money'. In this case, 'the money' is the payoff or the benefit. The central Purpose of every Story is deception, either self-deception or deceiving others, manipulating them, misdirecting them.
Staying at the Bottom trains your nervous system in a new way of being with yourself, with other people, and with the world.
Saying, "I'm afraid," does not let you off the hook.
Creating a distraction or a deception cannot possibly remove your Radical Responsibility for being exactly where you are.
You do not get to use, "I'm afraid..." as an excuse to avoid responsibility or to avoid relating, as if 'everybody knows and agrees' that feeling fear is bad or wrong or dangerous or stupid.
If the truth is that you are afraid, then this is extremely useful energy and information for you. It is not a problem. It is the solution to the problem, to whatever problem is in your field at the moment.
If you look at yourself from someone else's judgemental or criticizing perspective, trying to figure out how to avoid having them make up some kind of bad story about you, then you are not being you. You try to outguess or outmaneuver what they will think, or feel, or do. By trying to avoid their criticism you are not being you. They are terrorizing you because you opened yourself to that. You are not fit, and your heart and Being feel this.
Instead you can use your fear to detect the Boundaries that you did not make with that person which allows them to continue to terrorize you. You can use your fear to unleash your anger to make the missing Boundaries so you are not terrorized anymore. This is a simple reorientation.
If you make a Boundary, you are no longer a 'nice person'. You are no longer easy to manipulate or control. You become problemmatical to others. You staying at the Bottom may be problemmatical for others.
If you make it a problem for you that others perceive you as problemmatical, then again you are not there at the Bottom.
Pema Chodron famously said, "The nature of reality is groundlessness."
Clinton Callahan famously said, "Human beings are designed to fly."
A characteristic of the Bottom is that it gives you nothing to stand on. The Bottom is groundless. It gives you No Reason, no place to leverage your positionality.
We also say that Hitting Bottom does not necessarily make sense to the mind.
But having nothing to stand on... to gain the ability to be Present and to Relate while standing on nothing... here is a skillset to cherish and to develop over a lifetime.
And if you can stand on nothing, then there is probably nothing you can't stand on.
Hitting Bottom and staying there is central to Radical Relating.
If you cannot Hit Bottom and stay there, you cannot Radically Relate.
Even if you must over and over again Hit Bottom through your pain about not being at the Bottom, you still have a chance at Radical Relating. It's just this avenue becomes really boring after the second or third time you try to Hit Bottom that way. It is far more refreshing to simply stay on the Bottom and Radically Relate from there.
The core skill for Radical Relating from the Bottom is experiencing and expressing low, medium, and high intensity Feelings and Emotions of Conscious Fear, Sadness, Anger, and Joy.
If you cannot do that, there is nothing else for you to practice, but that.
Find yourelf a kick-butt Possibility Coach and tell them, "You've got three weeks to get me to Consciously Feel."
You need to be able to look at what is really going on inside of you, your Inner Memetic Structure, where it came from, why you built it this way. (Yes, you built it that way. You decided to put every brick in the wall.)
Each Feeling and Emotion - even at the 3% intensity level - gives you information about a decision or a vow. As you recognize your original intentions and communicate them to another consciousness, something changes for you. You get to go back to the same moment you created your insanity and make a new choice. You get to go a new direction. You get to start over.
If you say, "There is fear..." that is a third-person noticing that comes from your mind. It is not a feeling.
If there are concepts but no gripping physical sensations that cause tears, moans, face contortions, hand motions, shakes, kicking, trembles, roars and so on, this is not feeling. You are thinking about feeling but not feeling. This gets you nowhere.
Learn to feel. It is Phase 1 of Feelings Work. You cannot get to Phase 2 of Feelings Work except through Phase 1 of Feelings Work. In Phase 1 of Feelings Work you cannot actually do anything healing or transformative with your feelings.
Unconsciously 'Hitting Bottom', emotionally 'Hitting Bottom', reactively 'Hitting Bottom' is useless or worse.
This Work is about Hitting Bottom on purpose... intentionally staying at the Bottom in its fully intense meaninglessness, letting the rest of the world fall where it may around your Archan Relating - of which Radical Relating is only a part.
When you have, in reality, Hit Bottom, you have, in reality, nothing left to lose.
If you have nothing left to lose, then why be afraid of feeling the fear?
Go ahead and actually feel the fear.
"This be where the Treasure lies."
"Sometimes we have to make a complete and absolute disaster of our lives in such an epic, unavoidable way so that it can suddenly become absolutely clear to us what we have been doing all along.”
- David Whyte
The Bottom is not 'Letting your heart speak.'
The Bottom is not the Swamp.
The Bottom is the Archetypal Point Of Origin that you stand on
when you 'go cold turkey with' ('abstain from') your
addictions of trying to please (or trying to fight against)other people, instead of being yourself with no Stories attached.
The Bottom is the frameworld for Radical Relating.
To Hit Bottom and stay there is the opposite of Being Adaptive.
- Distinctionary
Randy Newman
The simple piano version of this song I woud prefer you to hear is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44Pb9VzSBGg
but they won't allow it to be shown on other websites. You can watch it there.
The Swamp
You got a Beep!
You got Feedback.
You are totally Hooked.
You are Triggered.
You took one step too far and fell into the Swamp.
You are not HERE, not NOW, anymore.
Yet, you have cultivated enough conscious awareness to know that what is going on inside of you is not real... while you still helplessly slip into the sea of emotions that pulls you out of the present like a riptide you just can’t fight.
You may be back there, hanging out in the past for an hour or a day, while the sticky, mucky Swamp swallows you past your knees with no sign of letting you loose.
You desperately want to choose something different, but the only choice you see is to stay in this horridness.
At least one Part of you wants to be here in the Minimized NOW with your 4 Feelings and 5 Bodies fully online, letting the Bright Principles work through you, in your Free And Natural Adult, or even Archetypal, Egostate. You want to be fully of service. You want to be on the Team with the others. You want to Notice what is happening in the people and environment around you.
And still, this battle inside of you rages on: to be here, or not to be here, that is the challenge.
How do you use your 3 Powers, your Sword Of Clarity, your Stand, (and other energetic tools or forces) to CHOOSE what you want in this moment without trying to fix it or get it to go away?
How can you consciously choose the present when you are somewhere else and the only option visible is to suffer?
Gremlin loves Self Abuse.
Gremlin loves to gorge itself on the Underworld feast of Abusing you and others.
Criticize those idiots, thos assholes, judging them, blaming them, plotting revenge against them, hating them, compare yourself against them, comparing their lives with yours, hating yourself some more...
Years can go by 'secretly' abusing yourself and others.
And it is not even the Bottom.
Yes, it is your Underworld.
Yes, your thoughts, feelings, and actions serve Shadow Principles.
But it is not the Bottom.
Abusing yourself and others is a clever way for Gremlin to fatten him/herself up in the guise of being at the Bottom.
Abuse is what you do to avoid Hitting Bottom.
At the Bottom, Gremlin has nothing to hold onto.
Your Gremlin is freaking terrified that you are actually on this journey to Hit Bottom, because she/he can do nothing to protect you there.
On the Bottom there are no Stories.
Gremlin's flops around friction-free at the Bottom - like a dog on ice.
To get to the Bottom you need to navigate through Gremlin's abusive tactics.
Here are some resources to help you with that:
I Can't...
Stories are made with Is Glue.
Is Glue is one of your 13 Tools.
Each human being is born with a tube of Is Glue hanging on their Energetic Toolbelt.
One of the unique characteristics Gaia gave to Homo sapiens sapiens is that little tube of Is Glue hanging there on your belt. Is Glue is Gaia's big experiment with humans. Dogs do not have Is Glue. Chimpanzees do not have Is Glue. Dolphins do not have Is Glue. Only humans have Is Glue.
Gaia's experimental question is: "If I give Is Glue to human beings, will they use it for evolving their Consciousness, or for feeding their Gremlin?"
So far, humans are not doing very well in this experiment. The first thing we did with our Is Glue is banish Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes from our cultures some 6000 years ago, by organizing ourselves into Hierarchies that automatically promote Psychopaths to the top, who's first command is to forbid Authentic Adulthood Initiations. Why? Because Psychopaths do not make it through the Initiations.
Hmmm... not very bright, though...
Authentic Adulthood Initiations Build Matrix that make it possible for human beings to be Radically Responsible about not believing in Bullshit made with Is Glue...
ESPECIALLY not believing in the Bullshit that you Is Glued together yourself.
Initiations make you immune to Fantasy Worlds.
We are failing in this Initiation as a species.
We are more fascinated with Fantasy Worlds (e.g. your phone...) than with calibrating our Compass Of Reality. We are more tempted by following some Handsome Holy Tribal Man than with dropping our Baggage and making steps along our Path towards the Eye Of The Needle.
But as an individual, you do not have to fail in this Initiation. You can Change Your Mind. You can Declare a different preference for yourself.
It can help to remind yourself that Is Glue comes in the following formats:
is, am, are, was, were, has, have, had, do, does, did, may, might, must, can, could, would, should, shall, will...
and the NOT forms, such as:
is not, am not, are not... etc.
For example, the Story World: "I can't." is made using the 'not' form of the Is Glue: can.
It is a condensed Story made out of gluing "I" together with "do this" using the Is Glue "cannot", to produce an incredibly artistic and convincing formulation of Bullshit, namely: "I cannot do this."
Stories are Bullshit.
All Stories are Bullshit.
How can a Story not be Bullshit? It is made up out of nothing, fabricated in your own mind for some Purpose.
It takes energy to Is Glue as Story World together.
This means humans do not make up a Story for no Purpose.
You are either Conscious of the Purpose of your Story, in which case you are serving Bright Principles and creating a High Drama Story World that feeds the Possibilitator in you... OR, you are Unconscious of the Purpose of your Story, in which case you are serving Shadow Principles and creating a Low Drama Story World that feeds the Gremlin in you.
It can be quite useful to make these Distinctions about what you are Creating if you wish to have the option of proving the Possibilitator's motto: "Something completely different from this is possible right now."
This clarity comes from the Thoughtmap Of Possibility.
The above words are a Story about Stories. This Story is Bullshit because it is made out of Is Glue.
It might, however, be one of the most useful pieces of Bullshit that you encounter in your entire life.
Particularly now, when you are unconsciously creating and believing the Bullshit Story, "I can't" with regards to authentically feeling your fear.
Saying, "I cannot do this," is false.
The truth is more accurately stated as: "I decided not to do this."
The moment you recognize that you have made a Decision - which is one of your 3 Powers as a human being (Declaring, Choosing, and Asking) - you take Radical Responsibility.
You own that you are solely responsible for making this Decision - even if your father made the same decision and you only copied him so that he might like you more...
By Declaring that you made the decision yourself, you open up an entirely new possibility.
You open up the possibility of finding out why you decided this. What is your Reason?
There are many reasons you might have decided (in this case) not to feel your fear.
Here are some possible reasons:
"If I feel my fear, I am afraid I might not know who I will become."
"If I feel my fear, I am afraid to get lost and not know who I am anymore."
"If I feel my fear then my Survival Strategy might not work anymore, and I am afraid I might not survive."
"If people see that I am afraid, they might not like me anymore."
"If I feel my fear then I show people I am not 'happy' or 'strong' or 'trustworthy' or 'respectable' anymore. I will be a loser."
"Since I don't understand how my fear goes, I am afraid that if I feel even a little fear, I will go beyond what I know."
"If I start to feel my fear - even at the tiniest lowest levels of intensity - I might never be able to stop."
"If I start to feel my fear, the wall I built against feeling my fear might crack or break down and I might be engulfed in endless waves of terror that will never, ever, end."
"If I start to feel my fear, I will lose control and I will completely come apart, never being able to get it back together again."
"If I start to feel even the slightest fear I might suffocate in insanely massive horrible endless screams of fear. I might go crazy forever and never be able to come back."
"If I feel my fear, I am afraid that I will end up just like my mother."
"If I feel my fear then they will have to put me on brain drugs or lock me away in an institution."
"If I feel my fear I might end up killing myself..."
And so on...
What is your personal reason for not wanting to feel your fear?
Write your reason down in your Beep! Book.
Go ahead and do it now, if you want. I will wait here for you...
Thank you for doing this.
Please keep writing for a bit. Please write down all your Reasons in the back of your Beep! Book for later reference.
These are precious discoveries, like learning the combination to a locked Treasure chest. Once you know the combination you can always gain access the Treasure.
Take a breath. Pause a moment to notice that... every one of your Reasons is powered by fear.
You are already feeling low levels of fear to write down your Reasons for not wanting to feel your fear.
You did it.
You felt your Low Intensity fear and used its intelligence to inform you.
Check yourself out. Are you okay? Did you survive?
For all this time before now you were using Conclusions about yourself, your fear, and the world which you made long ago, under different circumstances than you are in now, and before you learned what know now.
During the past few months and years you have been learning whole new Inner Navigation skills.
You have been upgrading your Inner Structure with new thoughtware that has more Distinctions and therefore more Clarity and therefore more power than the old thoughtware you received from your parents - Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.).
Perhaps you do not recognize how many new things you have learned and how much you already changed.
It is a lot.
Keep breathing please.
You inhabit a new world now, a world that you reconstructed through gaining new capabilities, one of which is to be able to feel your fear and to be okay with using the intelligence and energy of your fear in your life.
Now you can keep going.
The rest is up to you.
Your whole future is waiting for you to explore using the instant intelligence and precise energy of your Conscious Fears.
And... by the way... that old story... the one you carried around with you for so long? "I can't."
Perhaps that story is used up. It has disintegrated into dust... It is digested into the compost of your past, fertilizer for enriching the unfolding of a new future for you.
Sure, you could still use that old Story any time you want.
Many people would still believe you if you told it to them.
But now, you don't have to believe you anymore.
You are free of that.
Nice work.
Alanis Morisette
Thank you consequence. Thank you terror. Thank you disillusionment. Thank you nothingness. Thank you clarity. Thank you, thank you, silence.
The Unprocess
A Process has a beginning, a middle, and an end... a 'wrap up'.
A process goes somewhere (new territory) and accomplishes changes (new realizations, new decisions, new clarity, new possibility).
Hiting Bottom does not go anywhere or accomplish anything.
Hitting Bottom is not a Process.
Hitting Bottom is a way of being that does not require society or civilization to define what it is.
The Bottom is a place.
Either you are at the Bottom, or you are somewhere else.
The Bottom is an orientation towards life, yourself, and the world.
You can only practice Hitting Bottom. You cannot accomplish it.
The Bottom never goes away. But you do.
To explore Hitting Bottom you get in pairs, the Journeyer and the Possibilitator.
You sit across from each other in chairs (not cross-legged on the floor, as this position suppressed subtle whole-body experiences). You have with you tissues, red cloth, and barf bucket.
Turn the lights lower, but not off.
The Possibilitator has the Journeyer's Beep! Book, but may write nothing down in the whole Journey.
The Possibilitator does NOT offer the Journeyer any new Clarity or Possibility.
The Possibilitator is not trying to figure anything out.
Neither is the Journeyer.
The Bottom is not depressing, even though at the Bottom there are no hopes or dreams.
The Bottom is not scary even thought there is nothing there to hold on to or to hide behind.
The Bottom is neither 'dark' nor 'black' even though there is no Source of Light. A Source of Light would be 'something', and if there is anything, you are not at the Bottom.
The Possibilitator is Holding Space at the Bottom, and waiting there.
NOTE TO THE SPACE HOLDER: Since you will be Holding Space for the Journeyer at the Bottom, it is useful if you yourself can Hit Bottom, so that the Bottom already exists in the Space you are Holding as a place for the Journey to land. The Journeyer can 'easily'... (let us say, 'simply'...) find the Bottom all by themselves. The Bottom never goes away. The Bottom is always available.
The Possibilitator says, "Please close your eyes, take a deep breath, and make sure you have your Center, your Grounding Cord, and your Bubble."
"My Grounding cord is _____. Please tell me the color of your Grounding Cord." The Journeyer answers.
"Thank you."
"I am Holding Space for you to Hit Bottom."
"Let the Journey begin."
The manifestations of the Hit Bottom Journey are as varied as are people's Survival Strategies, in other words, infinite variety. There is no method to Hit Bottom.
But with some practice, both Possibilitator and Journeyer can begin to recognize if they are at the Bottom or not.
The Bottom can be the starting place for your everyday life.
The Bottom is an appropriate reference frame for Radical Relating.
You can only 'get real' with each other at the Bottom.
NOTE TO THE SPACEHOLDER: The human nervous system has a measurable capacity for enduring the intensity of a Journey to Hit Bottom. There is no benefit in trying to encourage the Journeyer to force their way deeper or to stay at the Bottom for a longer time. As the Spaceholder you will not the Journey making internal shifts or Building Experiential Matrix for Journeying towards or staying at the Bottom. There will be signals from the Journeyer, a shift of emotional intensity, a sense of expansion or new terror as a Memetic Construct dissolves or a Commitment to conform or obey to other people's Constructs explodes into rage. A Journeyer can hold approximately 5 of these Shifts. After the fifth Shift, you can say, "It looks like there have already been about 5 shifts. Perhaps this is enough for now? What do you think?" If they say, "No, it's not enough!" you can say, "Perhaps you just discovered another external authority you are trying to please, another driver forceing your forward trying to be okay to meet someone else's measure. Please take a deep breath and check it out in yourself. Could this be enough for now?"
When the Journeyer agrees to end the Journey for now, ask them to please lie on their side or their back on a mattress with an blanket available to cover themselves if they want. What is needed now is 15 to 20 minutes of undisturbed integration time.
Do not try to communicate your feelings to me saying, "I feel mad, sad, glad, or scared because _______."
This is a Story.
The way to the Bottom is not through Stories.
At the Bottom, there are no Stories.
If you have a Story, you are not at the Bottom.
You will feel things. Do not try to explain your feelings to me. Instead, share them with me.
Do not package what you say so that you think I will understand you better.
This Journey is not about understanding.
Instead let your words be a bridge to reveal your present time experiences. Not the past. Not the future.
Say what is going down now.
The Swamp... with all its emotionality, justifications, confusions and hopelessness... is not the Bottom.
The Swamp is a defense against Hitting Bottom. Think about that for a moment...
To survive your childhood you needed to adopt to external constraints.
There were people who claimed to have authority over you: teachers, coaches, choir leaders, music instructors, priests, ministers, police, politicians, babysitters, daycare ladies.
In reality, no one has authority over you.
At the Bottom there are no external constraints.
At the Bottom there are no Memetic Consstructs to define yourself with or to fight against.
The Bottom is without 'Shoulds' and 'Should nots'.
Without 'Supposed tos'.
Without 'Have tos'.
Without 'Musts' and 'Must nots'.
Without 'Cannot'.
Without measures for 'success' or 'failure'.
Without goals to 'achieve'.
Without comparisons.
There is only you, and the Bottom.
The Bottom stretches wide to the horizon in every direction.
Being at the Bottom is NOT about 'letting your heart speak'. If your heart is speaking it is coming from your heart. It is coming from the small place at the center of your chest.
The Bottom is not small and it is not in your chest.
The Bottom is Vast.
On the bottom, every option is an option.
There is no one to adapt to, no one to blame, no one else to decide for you, no one to judge you.
It is the Bottom.
There is nothing else.
Another person is a equally unknowable as the Bottom.
There is encounter and recognition of another.
But there are no Assumptions, Expectations, Conclusions, Judgements, Projections.
There are no cares.
Any of this is not the Bottom.
The Shit...
When you Hit Bottom with both feet, or flat on your ass, or head first into the muck (as the case may be...), it stirs up the past incomplete suppressed shit that hangs around the Bottom until it is recognized and completed.
You may be surprised what you find there...
One woman discovered a mountain of unexpressed grief about her parents never having given her the spaceholding in which she could develop an accurately calibrated Compass Of Reality. This left her lacking Agency. She was sent into the world naive and unprepared. While expressing her grief, rage also came to the surface about the lack of being challenged in extraordinary ways to unfold hidden potentials which she was discovereing now, many years later. The unusual talents and precious knacks had always been there, but were kept dormant until being in an environment that encouraged them to come alive in practical applications for the benefit ot other individuals, couples, and organizations.
One man discovered a series of fears and sadnesses surrounding interactions with an old girlfriend where on adventures, she often seemed to come home with physical wounds which he had not wished for he, or he somehow could not protect her from. After contacting her and expressing this long-buried sadness and fear, and even anger about not taking better care, she had the chance to correct his impressions. She did not remember the physical discomforts, but was still inspired about the doorways to creating adventure that he had opened for her.
Time To Experiment...
IMPORTANT NOTE: These Hit Bottom Experiments are 'heavy duty'.
They are also, eventually, unavoidable on the Path.
You may have accidentally dropped into them somewhere along the way,
but if you were not properly prepared, they may have done you more harm than good.
Their value comes to those who are prepared to make use of them.
Being 'prepared' means to have built the Matrix in your Being so that you reflexively integrate and make creative use of the Experiential Distinctions provided.
Proper preparations may take years of Work.
But it is good Work. (That is an opinion...)
On the one foot, no one can do this Work for you.
On the other foot, no one can stop you from doing the Work.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.01
Sit for 10 mins everyday at the same time in the same place for one week (7 consecutive days).
- Start your timer for 10 minutes.
- Place your energetic Centre on your physical centre, Declare your Grounding Cord and Bubble.
- Start noticing what is happening in your Physical Body. This is through sensations that are alive in your physical body sensations (heat, cold, pressure, pain, tightness).
- Then with each sensation you Notice, place part of your attention on the part of you that is noticing this. At first it will bounce away. That is ok.
- Keep Practising, each time you notice a sensation, a feeling, a thought or an impulse. Use that as the entrance to the part of you that notices. You will find that it is quite simple to notice the sensations of life in your body and that there is a part of you that notices that, simultaneously.
- In this way your attention is split on two things happening at the same time.
Extra: Start to choose. Decide to put your attention on only your energetic body and the part that notices. Choose one sensation in your physical body and place your attention there while having another part of your attention on your energetic body.
Something else to try:
you can do this on your own or you can do it as part of your possibilty team or 3 cell.
Start with your eyes closed, sitting up right, feet flat on the ground.
1. Centre, Ground and Bubble Yourself.
2. Declare a Golden Cube of workspace, The golden cube sits just inside the parameters of the room you are in. Declare a fat black grounding cord for the Golden Cube straight to the centre of Gaia. You are now holding that space, start calling in your Bright Principles.
3. Now split your attention to declare another Golden Cube around the whole building you are in.
4. Make another split in your attention to declare a golden cube around the whole town you are in.
5. Again split your attention and declare a fourth Golden Cube around the whole country you are in.
6. Split your attention to declare a golden cube around the whole of planet earth.
7. Again split your attention so that there is a golden cube around the whole of Gaia, you are now similtaneously holding space for 6 golden cubes.
8. Make a final split of your attention, to declare a golden cube around the whole of the universe.
9. Then with your clicker dissapear each golden cube one at a time.
open your eyes.
share/make notes on what happened/what you noticed in each of your Five Bodies.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.02
For one week, every day, practice putting part of your attention on what you are Noticing and another part of your Attention on what you are Noticing with.
It may help you to set yourself an alarm for several times during your day to remind you of this experiment.
At the end of each day, write down what you Noticed and what you Noticed with. Do not attempt to change anything about what you Notice or what you Notice with.
You will find patterns of what you Notice, and patterns of what you Notice with.
What is Noticed depends on the Purpose, the Matrix, and the needs in the person Noticing.
You will Notice things that have more Emotions connected to them have a charge for you.
The things that don't have charge for you, you don't notice at all. You can develop an ability to Notice your Noticing to the point that it becomes 'charge-neutral'.
If you can be charge neutral with your Noticing, you gain access to Doorways that were previously unnoticeable.
You gain access to options, choices, dimensions of spaces, qualities of spaces, which you could not access before because they did not have enough charge, or had too much charge for you to notice them.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.03
Becoming absurdly effective at something takes practice and commitment. Here is your chance to become absurdly effective, through your commitment and practice, at becoming aware of what you are aware of.
The practice has several parts to it. The time suggestions here are a guideline. Only you can fin dout how long it actually takes you to become absurdly effective at neutral Self Observation.
1. For this experiment, start by building a data-bank in you of Self Observations, that is of neutral clues that help you to experientially distinguish and classify your various contradictory behavior patterns. Write down these clues in your Beep! Book over a course of 2 weeks that you dedicate to this purpose.
It does not matter that your Self Observations might completely exclude or contradict each other. You are not one. You are many. You are a Zoo. No matter what you observe, do not change anything.2. After these first two weeks, start looking into each databank file. Take an entire week to dive into this exploration. It is the equivalent of peering into one of the compounds or cages in your Zoo. Eventually, as your neutral multi-dimensional descriptions accrue, you will be able to peer into a cage and give that character, or creature, a name. Soon each of the inhabitants of your inner Zoo will have a distinct and appropriate name that matches its dietary preferences, its reaction patterns, or its unconscious motivations.
3. Next, apply Self Inquiry. This is when your decision about which Point Of Origin you will stand in shifts from being unconscious to being conscious.
Independent Self Inquiry - or accompanied Self Inquiry (such as an emotional healing chairwork process during a Possibility Coaching session or a Possibility Lab) - allows you to follow each Self Will impulse from each of your creatures back to its source to find out what is really going on.
Take your Beep! Book notes and inquire into each of your behaviour patterns, following them back to their source.
In order to track impulses to their source, the time between the impulse and your actions needs to be slowed down very much so that you can observe the connection.
An entire personality character of one of the creatures in your Zoo, your Box, can originate in: an old decision, a splintered off piece of your Energetic Body, a strategic move to disempower yourself, an Energetic Block, a false assumption, a vow made to yourself or to others, an interpretation of what you think something means, a Resentment, etc.
These are source points that give you the key to heal the wound... to kill off (through bringing the structure into a transformational Phoenix Process) the neurotic Point Of Origin Place (...POOP).
4. Go through the relevant processes to heal the wounds that you uncovered. Be prepared to do this for a while...
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.04
The only time that you can be present is right now. The only place you can be present at is right here. Only in the small now and the small here can you be connected to current reality.
For this experiment, start right now, in a small Now and right here. You will need 10 minutes.
Go into first position by centering (bringing your attention with your intention onto your physical center), declaring your Grounding Cord and declaring your personal bubble of space.
Connect with your experience right where you are physically at the exact place that you sit or stand. Connect with your Feelings, your movement, and the small here that is the space that your physical space inhabits. It can be accessed through your heart beat and the sensations around your heart.
Speak out loud from right now and right here - not from concepts, not from Stories, not from what happened in the past or what will happen in the future.
Notice when you go into stories, into the past or into the future, or away from the small here, and navigate back to the small Now and the small here.
Repeat this experiment for 7 days in a row, of which at least 3 times you do it with a partner - meaning you invite someone to witness you or do the same experiment by taking turns in speaking.
After each time, take notes of what you noticed about being accurately connected with current reality in your Beep! Book. Include feedback that you received from your partner.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.05
This experiment has several elements:
1) For 4 weeks, when you get out of bed in the morning, go into first position as you stand up:
- With your intention put your Attention on your physical center (two fingers below your belly button, inside your belly), moving your energetic center there. Be fully present with your Attention there. You are now centered.
- Declare a grounding cord from your energetic center to the center of the Earth. It is a two-way connection between you and Gaia through which you can receive and send energy and information. For the declaration, use your Clicker, clicking your thumb and middle finger. Then check the colour of your grounding cord and say it out loud.
- Declare your personal bubble of space, which is for your own energy and information only. Use your clicker to declare your energetic bubble all around your phycial body, including underneath your feet and above the top of your head. Adjust your bubble to be closer to your skin when in close physical contact with other people, including your partner or children. In your bubble is your space. Not anyone elses! No one can enter your bubble without your permission.
2) During these 4 weeks, before you enter a room with other people, go into first position. Notice when you give your center away and take it back as soon as you notice, returning to first position. At first you might not even notice until you lie in bed at night. Never mind. Keep noticing and practicing, until you notice it in the moment, and then even just before you give your center away.
3) Once a week during the 4 weeks, practice in pairs with a partner, role playing. Have a timer ready:
- You give your center away to her, she gives your center away to you. (3 min).
- You give your center away to her, she takes your center. (3 min)
- You give your center away to her, she refuses to take it. (3 min)
- You keep yoour center, she keeps her center.
Notice what happens with you in this exercise. How much do you give your center away even to the exercise? Notice and write down your strategies to give your center away in your Beep! Book. This will help you notice when you give your center away in real time in your everday life.
After the 4 weeks, check whether being in first position and present has become your natural background condition. If not, go for the next round of 4 weeks, and so on, until it has.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.06
Start this experiment by watching The Earthing Movie.
Then make it a practice to take your shoes and socks off (yes, both) whenever you enter your home, at least once a day. Walk around barefoot indoors for a minimum of 10 minutes per day over a period of 2 weeks. Notice the sensations in your feet as you do so. Notice the temperature, the textures of surfaces you walk on. Notice energetic differences depending on whether you stand or walk on concrete or wooden floors.
In parallel, commit to walking barefoot outdoors for a minimum of 5 minutes a day over a period of at least 4 weeks. Make it your morning routine to get out of bed barefoot and step out of your house or apartment barefoot. Find a place of bare nature, ie soil, grass, rock etc, and either stand or walk there. Notice what it feels like to have your barefeet on the ground. Notice temperatures, textures, energetic differences. If you do this experiment in winter, have warm water and a towel ready before you go out to rinse your feet with afterwards. Extend the period of time to walk barefoot outdoors to at least 10 minutes per day in the last week.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.07
Your conscious Anger is a force of nature waiting to be put into service of life.
For this experiment, register and go through a 4-6 weeks offline or online Rage Club. Choose your Rage Club here: https://rageclub.mystrikingly.com. During the Rage Club, actually do the practices offered for outside the sessions, and go through at least one Emotional Healing Process per week that comes up from your participation in Rage Club. Let yourself wake up to your life by learning to say clear Yes and No (instead of "Yeah, sure" or "Mmmmm" "Uhmmm" "Not sure" etc), by saying what you want and what you don't want, and knowing what you care about.
Notice how you are a zombie when you do not have access to your conscious anger.
After finishing Rage Club, keep practicing feeling your Anger consciously and apply it to your everyday life.
Then join your next Rage Club, again practicing outside the sessions and going through an Emotional Healing Process each week.
Repeat until you are on fire to become a Rage Club Spaceholder because you know from your own experience of the necessity and value of bringing zombies back to life. This is the moment you register to Rage Club Spaceholder Training and start delivering your own Rage Club.
After going through these stages and registering for Rage Club Spaceholder Training, please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.08
This experiment has 2 parts:
1. Stellate your Anger
You are designed to experience and express 100% maximum Archetypal Anger. Stellating is the process in which you go to 100% Archetypal Anger in a held space with a trained witness (Trainer) for no reason for as long as you want. With regards to the Archetypal force of your Anger, this experience transforms you from a planet (which absorbs more energy than it gives off) to a star (which radiates more energy than it absorbs).
For the purpose of this experiment, go through an Expand the Box Training, participate in at least one Rage Club, and then sign up to a Possibility Laboratory. Let the Trainer of the Possibility Laboratory know beforehand that you want to stellate your Anger. Then remind her during the Check-in round of the Possibility Laboratory that you want to stellate your Anger.
When the moment is there, go to 100% Archetypal Anger and stay there as long as you want. By stellating your Anger, you gain access to the Archetypal force of the Warrioress.
Once you stop after your stellating of Anger, direct the energy of your anger into your bones. That is th eresonance tissue for your Feeling of Anger, as discovered by the Feelings Practitioners.
2. Do at least 3 months of the 3-3-3 practice
This means you go into 3 minutes of Anger, 3 times a week, over a 3 month period.
For each of your 3 minute Anger practice, lie down on on your back on your bed or another soft-ish surface. Agree to not hurt yourself or anybody else (including anything else).
Set yourself a timer for 3 minutes. Before you start the timer, center, ground and bubble yourself (first position).
To start, close your eyes and squeeze your hands into tight fists, inner navigating into high intensity anger.
Consciously use your voice (words and sounds), facial expressions, and whole body movements to experience and express total anger for no reason.
Other Feelings and Emotions may arise. Don't worry. Learn to jump cleanly into and out of the other pure Feelings and Emotions, not mixing them together with each other or with your anger. Then in the last 15 seconds of your 3-3-3 session, intentionally return to experiencing and expressing anger, so that you start and end each 3-3-3 session in the Feeling of anger.
Once you stop, keep the energy circulating in your body and with your intention direct it into your bones.
This exercise is not about releasing your anger. It is about regenerating the energy of anger in your system so that your Warrioress is there even if there is nothing else.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.09
Clarity does not appear in your mind. It is held in your 5 Bodies. Clarity comes from having Distinctions, and Distinctions are held in your Being. Your Sword of Clarity is your tool for applying Distinctions in Reality. This is how you create Possibility.
Your Sword Of Clarity is energetic. This means nobody can take it away from you. "You were born with it" is one way to see this. Another way to see it is "You were born as it". You were born as a Sword Of Clarity.
This experiment is for you to live as your Sword Of Clarity, to become your Sword of Clarity in action. You will need to be able to access your Conscious Anger to be able to be that. Join a Rage Club first if you haven't yet.
1. You will need to change your self image.
Your new self image that is proposed here is that you carry around an energetic Sword of Clarity with you. You are the Sword of Clarity. You cannot be found without your Sword. End of story.
Take a moment now to make this identity shift. Start in First Position - centered, grounded and bubbled. Stand in front of a mirror and say your new self image out loud to yourself.
2. Next, put your Sword of Clarity at your left side (i.e. the opposite side of your stronger hand) slid into your belt, parallel to the ground like a Japanese Samurai sword. You will carry your sword there about half of the time. However, be prepared to carry your Sword of Clarity in your stronger hand, ready for action at all times. It is a natural part of being Present. It sharpens your Attention. It focuses your action-energy of Conscious Anger.
3. Now practice your Sword out for the rest of your day by making Distinctions: this or that, now or later or never, yes or no, me or you or the other person or no one, stop or go, all these moment-to-moment decisions, you make with little movements of the Sword. Clear. Simple. Efficient.
4. As you wake up the next morning, your first action is to take up your Sword of Clarity again. Keep practicing for the whole day to have your Sword out by making distinctions until you go to bed at night.
5. Repeat for the next 3 weeks, and then the rest of your life.
After completing 3 weeks of this experiment, please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.10
Your Conscious Fear is a source for Nonlinearity, Unreasonability, Noticing and Scanning, of Creation, Attentiveness and precision. Conscious Fear is looking into the Unknown, the dark places where new Possibility might show up. It is for Navigating Space so you can look where there is no answer.
For this experiment, register and go through a 4-6 weeks offline or online Fear Club. Choose your Fear Club here: https://fearclub.mystrikingly.come. During the Fear Club, actually do the practices offered for outside the sessions, and go through at least one Emotional Healing Process per week that comes up from your participation in Fear Club. Let yourself wake up to your life by unfreezing your fear, learning to be nonlinear, face into the unknown, create from not knowing, and listen to the wisdom of your conscious fear as you in parallel heal your emotional fears one by one, reclaiming yur aliveness.
After finishing Fear Club, keep practicing feeling your Fear consciously and apply it to your everyday life.
Then join your next Fear Club, again practicing outside the sessions and going through an Emotional Healing Process each week.
Repeat until you cannot not become a Fear Club Spaceholder because you have compassion for all the other lifeless frozen ones who are like you used to be not so long ago. This is the moment you register for Fear Club Spaceholder Training and start delivering your own Fear Club.
After going through these stages and registering for Fear Club Spaceholder Training, please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.11
Human beings are story makers. Stories are glued together by Is-Glue.
To make a Story, we take an object (like he or she, or my life, or his life, or this website, or my dinner, or anything!) and we glue it together with an opinion, a judgment, a conclusion, a decision ("He is hot." Or, "She is always blaming me." Or, "My life is not like I wish it was." Or, "My life is fabulous." Or, "My life is pointless," etc... ) with Is-Glue.
However, 'is' does not exist in nature. 'Is' is a Construct invented by the human Mind. By becoming absurdly effective at dissolving stories into their component assumptions, expectations, conclusions, etc. until stories can no longer snap you into their story worlds, you get to be in reality.
1. To start this experiment off, write in your Beep! Book, and then memorize, a list of conjugations of "is":
is, am, are, was, were, has, have, had, do, does, did, may, might, must, can, could, should, would, shall, will and the "not" forms.
2. For one week, whenever you read something, notice the Is-Glue that sticks two completely disassociated concepts together as a Story.
3. For the week after, whenever someone speaks to you, notice the Is-Glue that sticks two completely disassociated concepts together as a Story.
4. For the week after that, notice how you speak (or think) using Is-Glue to stick disassociated concepts together as a Story.
5. After these 3 weeks, the real practice begins:
You start dissolving the stories with your Is-Glue Dissolver. Now that you can identify the Is-Glue, you can dissolve it. As you dissolve the Is-Glue in written pieces, in stories presented to you by others, or presented to you or others by yourself, you are left with the components of the stories. Observing neutrally the components of a story reveals to you what is behind the story.
What are the assumptions revealed by the story?
What are the expectations creating that story?
What are the conclusions made by the story?
What are the beliefs underneath that story?
Start by noticing for one day the assumptions, expectations, consclusions, beliefs of stories and make a gap where the Is-Glue sticks components together. For example, someone might tell you "I'm not a rude person." has sticks together "I", and "rude person".
After going through these stages and registering for Fear Club Spaceholder Training, please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word to desribe your experiment. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.12
You came to this planet to thrive. You are allowed to be a fully a live thriving adult.
1) Read this sentence from Derrick Jensen's "Walking On Water": The most revolutionary thing anyone can do is follow one's heart...once you have begun to do that ..the most...revolutionary thing you can do is help others find their hearts".
2) Call a team together (3 or more people).
3) Meet every week for one hour for 4 weeks.
4) One person speaks from their heart for a set amount of time (10 - 20 minutes). The other people use their own hearts to coach the person to go more authentically into their heart.
5) Swap roles so every heart in the space speaks.
Hint: The language of the heart is very honest specific and has feelings and emotions, sometimes the body changes shape to better express the heart.
6) Outside of your team, listen for the language of your heart everywhere.
7) Say "yes! I hear you!" everytime you hear the heart language.
8) Say "I don't beleive you" when ever you notice it is not a heart speaking.
9) Radically relay on the information your heart is bringing you to create the ecstactic connection your being is longing for.
10) Apply this to your own heart. In reference to any choice you make.
11) Take any of your belongings to an second hand shop, sell them or give them away if your heart has a no.
12) Apply this to every interaction you have with another person.
After four weeks please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word from your heart. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.13
Do this experiment with a partner or as part of your 3 cell.
1. Center, Ground and Bubble your self,
2. Declare a Golden Cube, of workspace
3. Sit facing each other, choose who will go first and set a timer for 10minutes.
4. The person going first, raises their conscious fear by 10-20%
5. Jacks into the Infinite Resource of the Unknown. This is not about making things up or babbling intellectually. It is about being connected to the resource and being an open channel for the Unknown to flow through.
6. Conscious Fear is important to rise as it makes you more alert to the information from the Unknown.
7. Let yourself be curious about what the Unknown has to say right now, to this person through you.
8. The person listening can ask things like "What does the Unknown have for me?" "what do I need to hear?", let the unknown speak through you. It might come in waves, keep placing your attention back on the unknown if your mind tries to figure it, simply switch channels.
9. Swap roles.
10. Practise this at least twice a week for 4 weeks.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word from the unknown. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.14
For this experiment you will need a whole day. Choose a day when you will be around people so that you have plenty of chance to improvise.
1. Declare yourself an Experimentor.
2. For the whole day do not answer any question directly.
3. Every time someone asks you something Decide to improvise.
4. Notice the pressure that a question creates.
5. Let your self feel what happens in you. What sensations rise? What does it do to your 5 bodies?
6. Let the first impulse come and pass, without acting on it.
7. Be in the tension that is created.
8. Choose to do 'something else' with that tension other than directly answer the question.
Hints: You could choose to start a totally different conversation, answer a different question, to smile, to walk away, to feel your fear and move a step closer to creating estatic intimacy.
9. Let other people's Reactions be part of the process. If they react, keep noticing what happens in your 5 bodies.
10. Choose to improvise moment by moment instead of reacting.
11. Be in continuous process.
12. Each time it seems as if you get stuck, do a 5 body scan . Notice where the need to be predictable or conform is stuck then let that dead skin slide away, as you estatically source the next impulse to connect, create or experience.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one word. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.15
Money is in no shortage, there is always an abundance of money. The question then is "How are you blocking the resources to support your evolutionary path to flow through you?"
1. Read the Become Money Website.
2. Choose 3 experiments from that website, write them down in your Beep!Book.
3. Do the experiments.
4. Go through an EHP intensive for at least 7 consequative days, around the topic of value and money.
5. After your intensive, Write the article titled HEALING MONEY AND VALUE WOUNDS.
6. Open a new page in your Beep!Book, write the title: WHAT VALUE I CAN PROVIDE TODAY.
7. List 10 ways you could create value to someone, a business, Gaia or local group.
8. Choose one person/situation/business or group you will provide value to. e.g clean a car, weed their garden, fix a leak, edit their writing, work on their website. Tell them how much you will do the job for. If they agree, do the job.
9. Open yourself a free website. On it list your nonmaterial offerings (Listening Space, Being appreciation, Feelings check in space etc). Those offerings are your practise ground for being your Non-material value in the world, ask for testimonials in exchange. Put them on your website.
10. Raise plants from seed and sell them as seedlings at your local market, or on the street. This is one way to create a nickel machine.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state how many experiments you did. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.16
Now is the time to 'downcycle' our lives to local, more flexible communities and villages. While at the same time being in deep connection to other nanonations about the global. For this, start practising simplicity. The following are a bunch of things to try. Simply start, choose one thing that you are curious about and do it. Then do the next thing. Keep connecting to the spaciousness and Gaps you are creating in your life. Value those gaps and use them as spaces of emergence, for Archetypal Love to work in the world. Start orientating Your Being towards Evolution so it can hold more Consciousness and come into closer contact with other human beings, Practise valuing that above any zombie inducing, energy draining activity or thing.
1. Go through every Emotional Healing Process (EHP )that comes in the way of the authentic radiance of your Being. Write down in your BeepBook, every sentence that is a doorway, such as "I am not enough".
2. Buy nothing new for 3 months.
3. Eat only food closest to how it grows in nature, cooked simply for one month (no plastic wrapped food, no artifically processed or flavoured food, no takeaways).
4. Go through all your items in storage and give them, away sell them, or take them to the rubbish dump. Feel your feelings as you do this, write down any EHP that comes up around doing this, go through the EHPs.
5. Go through all the saved and downloaded files on your computer, delete them, or create something (an article, a film reel etc). Have only 3 or four folders on your desktop.
6. Create an open library of all the books you own, either set a mini physical one up in your community or list them online so that people can borrow them or add them to the Possibilitators Library.
7. Choose one physical activity that is done in nature and needs either no equipment or very minimal equipment. Do that activity every day for at least 20 minutes everyday for one month.
8. Sell your car, invest in a bike, learn how to maintain the bike.
9. Make a list of all the energy draining activities in your life.
(energy draining activities are ones that take up alot of money, time, attention, cause you to go into zombie mode, require fossil fuels or cause debt. Activities that do not feed your being, Gaia or create regenerative infrastructure for future generations).
Every day for 3 months make a step towards eliminating these things from your life. For example if one of your energy draining activities is mowing your lawn with a petrol mower, then everyday you could take a garden fork and turn over a patch of it, to plant either tree seedlings, vegetables or shrubs instead.
10. At the end of 3 months write an article titled something like "STEPS TO RADICAL SIMPLICITY".
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state the name of your article. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.17
Your 5 bodies are built to be nourished by Gaia in totality. You can re learn how to radically relay on Gaia. Do all of the following, it will take you about one month.
1. Become a researcher of local edible weeds by speaking with someone who already knows. Learn one or two plants that you can actually eat that grow close to you, they might even be in your lawn. Eat them 3 times a week for one month.
2. Go into the mountains where the water is fresh, uncontaminated by farming or human activity. Fill up a 10-20 litre container. Carry it back to your house, drink it until it runs out, do it again. Make it a ritual.
3. Get your self a fishing line, or simply find someone who knows how to fish start going out fishing. Catch at least two fish, give one away to someone, cook and eat the other yourself.
4. Start attending a local community garden project. Become involved. Set it up so that you never buy vegetables or fruits from a supermarket or grown further than 10kms from your house.
5. Find a local food preserving workshop. Attend it. Or if you can not find one, get a group of people together and find a person who specialises in basic food preparation and storage techniques and ask them to run the workshop for you.
6. Make a list in your Beep!Book of all the services and goods you currently use through big corporations, eg: supermarkets, banks, chemicals, drug stores, big warehouse stores, buildng supply chains etc..
7. On the next page write down all the fears that come up if you STOPPED using all of these. Every week go through at least one EHP from your list.
8. Join a Fear Club and stellate your fear (see experiment HITBOTTO.10)
9. For one month become a researcher of how you source scarcity. Carry your BeepBook everywhere note down every time you choose to do something because of a scarcity reason. e.g: "I go to work because I need more money" "I ended the conversation because I did not have time". Notice and become amazed about how you source scarcity in your life. During this month go through one EHP at least per week on the sentences you find.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz In the proof section state one way your capacity for reliance on Gaia has expanded. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.18
Do this experiment as often as you like. Do it during early morning hours or in the evening and at other times of the day. Depending on where you live. The aim is to get somewhere that is untouched by humans, get to a coast line or beach, get to the edge where a rainforest or wild bush begins.
1. Take a little food supplies in a back pack. Leave the town, leave the city. DO NOT take anything to do. You are going to the edge to be at the edge. Head to mountains or the coast and stay there.
2. Stay for at least 2 hours. Although if it takes two weeks stay that long also (remember the agreements, the purpose of this experiment is to build Matrix in you so that you become able to be consciousness in action, on planet Earth right now, as a Person of Agency delivering their Non-material Value while being the hands and mouth of your Archetypal Lineage, keep that in mind while you pack your supplies...im just saying you might need to pack a tent..)
3. Experience being there. Let all your 5 bodies be nourished by that place. BE there, with out story. Experience what is happening inside of you and in the natural world. Make discoveries of natural treasures from Gaia.
4. Shrug off all the hooks, traps and judgements that belong in modern infastructure, notice how they have nothing to hang on to here.
5. Let sound come to your body with out you needing to go out and do anything. Keep your centre, grounding cord and bubble. Discover what happens when you listen with all 5 bodies.
5. When you return write the Article "GOING TO THE EDGE AND STAYING THERE".
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.18 in your free account at StartOver.xyz In the proof section write one word to describe what happened for you when you got to the edge of modern infastructure. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.19
It is not a question of "why the addiction?" It is a question of "why the pain?" This experiment is for you to uncover the pain that your addiction is covering up. It could be unmet childhood needs, it could be a core deep wounding or beleive, it could be a tangle of emotions connected to stories and events that you have not yet processed. The addiction is a creative solution to keep you from 'hurting'. The pains are what you will get to research here.
1. Watch the film "The Wisdom of Trauma" .
2. Read the Addicted wesite.
3. List what you are addicted to. Choose one of those things.
4. For one week do not change anything, when ever you engage in the addiction simply Notice what is happening in any of your 5 bodies, What are you thinking? what are you feeling? What is happening in your energetic body?
5. Make notes of this in your BeepBook.
6. Notice the repeated thoughts, emotions, sentences.
7. Ask for someone to holdspace for you. Say "I want to find out what pain my addiction to ... is stopping me from feeling."
8. Their job is to then ask you "What would happen if you did not ...?" You will either immeadiatly feel something or you will not feel anything.
9. Let yourself feel for at least 20minutes everything that happens or does not happen when you are asked the above question. Have your spaceholder make notes in your BeepBook of core sentences or beleifs or emotional fears, sadnesses etc.
10. The following week call together a team of at least 7 people to go through an EHP Intensive. Agree with them that you will call them at any time for a space to feel. If they are not available they simply do not answer. Then you call the next person and so on.
11. Arrange to go through at least one EHP per day.
12. Do not engage in the addiction. You do this by not doing it for one second. Then for the next second. then for the next second.
13. Call up someone and feel what you are feeling.
14. Keep going. Feeling, going through EHPs and not engaging in the Addiction. Instead become curious about what is really going on.
15. Stay in connection with your team.
16. After one week, celebrate. And keep going.
17. What are you really starving for? It could be hunger or pain in any of your 5 Bodies.
Additional: Holdspace for someone else to go through the EHPs covered up by their addiction.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.19 in your free account at StartOver.xyz In the proof section state your problem. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.20
The Nothing is a resource, where there is no stories, it is an empty space where everything begins, ends and anything is possible. If you come up against resistance, you are not connecting to the Nothingness. If you get stuck, trying to force something or pretend, then you are not yet at the Nothing. Connecting to the Nothingness is an enlivening experience.
Choose the below experiments:
1. For one week set a timer every morning for 5 minutes.
2. Center, Ground and Bubble yourself. Then connect to the Nothing.
3. Stay there for 5 minutes.
1. Go to a beach, create something below the hide tide line out of sand.
2. Go back to the beach on the next low tide and notice how your thing no longer exists.
3. Lower your Numbness Bar and Notice what you Feel about the experience of something turning to Nothing.
4. Place your Attention on each of your 5 bodies and notice what you are experiencing in each of your bodies. (What Sensations, ideas, impulses, feelings/emotions are you experincing directly connected to the process of "there was Nothing, you created something, then there was Nothing again").
5. Make notes in your BeepBook.
1. Everytime you are in a conversation with someone, practise opening a Black Hole to drain the space of energy.
2. Use Completion Loops and avoid any Roadblocks to communication.
3. Stay Present. Scan your 5 bodies and Notice what is happening.
1. Make the Nothingness bigger than what ever is by putting yourself in loud, busy environments or highly charged motional Environments.
2. Connect to the Nothing and become bigger than what ever is in the space.
3. A loud truck might go by, connect to the Nothing that is bigger than that.
4. You might find yourself with a person who has a lot of emotions going (anger, mixed, sadness, fear or joy), simply become bigger than all of that by connecting to the Nothing.
5. Notice what happens in you, in the energetic space and in the other person.
6. Make notes in your Beep!Book about what you discover.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.20 in your free account at StartOver.xyz In the proof section write one word to mark your connection to nothingness. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.21
Make it a daily Practice to keep identifying new forms of Baggage you are carrying around with you out of habit or imagined necessity.
1. For two whole weeks do the following at the same time every day it will take about 5minutes.
2. Center, Ground and Bubble yourself, close your eyes and Scan your physical body for excess baggage: Tightness, pain, discomforts, dis-eases. Make clear specific notes in your BeepBook.
3. Scan your Emotional body for emotional knots, mixed emotions, familiar fears, resentments, guilts. etc also make notes in your BeepBook of these.
4. Scan your Energetic body for tiredness, densities, heaveyness, unwanted presences, entities anything else you notice, make notes of this in your BeepBook also.
5. Scan your Mental body for spiraling sentences, ideas, thoughts, memetic contructs that have a stagnant quality. Scan for parent voices or outside authority voices. Make notes of all of these.
6. scan for all sorts of Meme you carry about how to be a person in the world. What assumptions to you have? what beleives? what should you value? write these all down. You know you have found a meme when you can not get any simpler, for example "I am only loved when I make everyone else happy", "chocolate makes everything better".
7. Once a week check in with a Baggage Partner. Each person has 20 minutes to do a full 5 body Baggage Check in. The other partner listens and takes notes. Share these notes later with your partner.
8. Make a time outside of your Baggage checkin time to go through EHPs that you find in your emotional body. At least one per week.
9. Go through memetic reconstruction around any memes you find. Make it normal to practise constantly scanning for baggage in any of your five bodies.
Note: Physical baggage (items that you no longer need) can be dropped and taken away as a side of effect of cleaning up the baggage in your emotional and energetic bodies and through meme reconstruction. You will discover that these things simply are no longer neccessary in your life.
After two weeks please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.21 in your free account at StartOver.xyz In the proof section name one peice of baggage you dropped in this process. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.22
Integrity is about staying aligned with reality, you become able to act in Integrity when you integrate all of your parts, then you are able to be accountable to "do what you say and say what you do".
When you were born you were consciousness without Story, a blank slate, you did not come here with a personality. Things happened to you as you grew up, you had experiences, you felt things, you learnt to interact with the world around you and in doing so you learnt how to survive.
Anything that was too dangerous, overwhelming or did not have the space to be fully integrated got stored somewhere in your system. These experiences are a tangle of Emotions, thoughts, stories and beliefs. You absorbed many ways of navigating the world through the cultural environment you grew up in.
Altimately answering the questions: How does a person like me, survive in a world like this, with people like you?
You integrated these series of stories, thoughts, beliefs and behaviour patterns into a part of you that you call your Personality until it seems obvious to say “This is just who I am!”
HOWEVER You are not your personality. You can choose to take Radical Responsibility for all of the parts that make up your personality so to become nothing and from there you have the ability to act in total integrity to every moment regardless of story, beliefs, emotional reactivity or projections from others.
You can dismantle your personality like store bought furniture, look at them and then Notice every time one or more of your parts are activated, which gives you the Agency to choose, meaning you keep your Authority, such that “I notice my Gremlin wants to feed me the story that I am a failure because I forgot to put the rubbish out”. Voila! Instead of spirlling into a Swampy state. You can choose no matter what anyone outside of you is saying or no matter what any internal voice is saying.
Before you have stepped outside of your birth culture, your personality seems fixed. It can seem as if someone handed you a set of instructions for how you should be and now you simply act these out for the rest of your life.
If you start Noticing yourself you will soon notice that you can disentangle your personality into parts. You can put your parts onto piles for example “this is my belief pile, every time I say I believe something to be true or not true or real or false , it belongs on this pile”. Then you will notice that there are parts of you that are committed to acting out shadow purposes such as secrecy, manipulation, confusion, revenge, control, inferiority/superiority. Then you can notice and say “that is my gremlin, the king or queen of my underworld that part of me belongs in this pile”.
It is like walking through a forest without much of a path. At first it is a struggle, things get caught in your hair, and your legs get scraped and you wonder if you are moving in the right direction, it seems you are getting nowhere. Each day you come out and notice that the path is clearer. You notice that pile of vines torn down over there is similar to this vine here, while the black berry bush there is similar to this one here. Separate them into their respective piles and keep going.
In time you will notice you can split, the chuck that you previously called "My Personality" into many different piles such as:
Your Child ego state,
Your Parent Ego state,
Your Survival strategy,
Your Emotional Fears,
Past life fears..
Your Energetic body messages
What was once an inhabitable tightly woven thicket that you called ‘My Personality’ becomes a spacious forest where every tree, shrub, vine, is a different part of you. You will recognise each as a part of you and that you are simultaneously all of it and none of it.
In doing so you become an integrated forest which holds much life, layers, Distinctions and diversity. Then you are totally free to act integral to every moment because in every moment you have the power to Choose. You become Accountable for everything, every word act, Commitment and space you enter because you have taken Radical Responsibility for learning all of your Parts, for being the whole forest.
1. Under the heading BELIEFS, start noticing your beliefs and write each one down. Do this consistently for one month.
2. Under the heading STORIES, Notice your stories and write these down (a story goes something like the world is too much… or everyone always does… I can only do this because there are no other options..)
3. Write each one down under the heading EMOTIONS, Notice the emotions (sadness, anger, fear or joy or a mixture of these things that last for more than 3 minutes). Go through at least one Emotional Healing Process per week for three months.
4. Start discovering your Survival Strategy by asking someone to hold space and ask you these questions:
- Is it ok for me to feel?
- If not, how do I make sure I do not know what I am feeling?
- How do I stop myself from speaking?
- Why was it a good idea to not know what I was feeling/thinking/noticing/to not feel the sensations in my body?
5. Sign up to a Chapter 0 Gremlin Training, Notice your Gremlin, meet it and learn its name.
6. Start noticing every behaviour or strategy that feeds your Gremlin, list these under the heading GREMLIN FOOD.
7. Transform your Gremlin, by taking your next step in this journey.
8. At your next Possibility Laboratory take your lists of all your parts from above. Use each thing you found to go through the evolutionary doorways, creating more space for your Adult ego state to come into contact with the Archetypal Forces of universe to interact with you.
9. Integrate your Parts, in the same way that a bicycle only works when all the parts are put together. Put all of your parts together so that you are working like you are designed to as a Free and Natural Adult as Consciousness in Action. You can now be accountable because your parts are in Integrity.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.22 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state one thing you did that was an act of integrity. This Experiment is worth 10 Matrix Points
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.23
Be the Mirror, then your job becomes simply to continuously polish the mirror so that others see themselves more clearly" - Elsemarijke Koster
This experiment is part of your path to Free and Natural Adulthood. You will be required to undergo formidable Initiations while on your path. This experiment is so that you have space to discover that part of you that is not opinions, judgments, stories or conclusions. That is because "if you are not stabilized in who you are, beyond the projections of others you will continuously be hookable by the circumstance". Human designed circumstances of modern culture are exterminating life on this planet. If you are committed to your Box, you will only beable to create Box outcomes which is death to the Archetypal Domains and the Infinite Resource of Possibility.
Join one Team from the list below and attend every call for at least three months:
- - Possibility Team
- - Unhookable Dojo
- - 3x3x3 Zoom in Space
- Everytime you are hooked into a story, Assumption, need, judgment, trying to be bigger or smaller, name it! Stand up, turn in circle and say out loud "I am Hooked". Immediately take out your Beep!Book and write down exactly what happened, how you became hooked, what the hook was (was it a Story, a projection, a childhood Emotion, a reaction from someone, your own story about yourself etc..). Keep on doing this, fill your BeepBook with this gold.
- Go through the process of Dismantling every Resentment you have. Do not let your Gremlin hold on to ANY resentments to feed on.
- Sign up to your next Possibility Laboratory, take your Beep!Book with you. While you are there, sit in the Possibilitator chair and use each incident that you have found as an evolutionary doorway.
- Shift identity to either an Explorer, Researcher, Edgeworker, Possibiltator, Person of Agency, or Apprentice.
- Start noticing the sorts of skills you must cultivate in that identity. Start a list in your BeepBook.
- Anytime you notice yourself Adapting, ask yourself: What am I committed to? The purpose of this is to create a Gap for yourself to Choose at all times regardless of what is happening.
Note: You can also choose to do what other people are doing but that is only after sometime Going To The Edge and staying there.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.23 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one hook you can recognise. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.24
1. Set aside five years of your life (it will likely take less than that, start with five anyway), whatever age you are.
2.Write yourself a permission slip that for the next five years you have complete and utter Authority to not know what the heck you are doing, you have authority to 'be a mess', 'to care deeply' to go before you know how and to create unreasonable.
3. Read the poem The Journey, by Mary Oliver. As you are reading let it sink into your 5 bodies.
4. Sign up to a Rage Club. Make sure you attend every session.
5. Take all of your belongings out of your parents house, sell them, give them to an op shop or put them in storage.
6. Go through at least a 7 day EHP intensive around Unmet Childhood needs.
7. Declare that you are now an Apprentice of life. As such find a person to apprentice yourself to. You can stay with them for as long as you like and leave whenever you want also.
8. Go to the ocean, watch the waves, every time a wave rises up start to make a louder sound with your voice. When it crashes, become quiet, learn to move your body in tune with the waves. Move energy through you by making loud noise and moving alot, when the waves rise then let the intesity of your energy down as they crash. (you are trained by Gaia as much as yourself and other humans).
9. Move away from the town you grew up in.
10. Simplify your job. Either find a simple manual job or find a way to reduce how many hours you work. Start filling the extra time with things like walking barefoot, going through EHPs, learning how to be with other humans without adapting or trying to fix them.
11. Every morning Center, Ground and Bubble yourself, if you do not yet know how to do that, follow the links and read carefully through each website.
12. Let your Box structure dissolve so that it becomes optional. Go through 5 ETBs and 10 Possibility Laboratories over the course of 2 years.
After five years, please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.24 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write two words to decribe the past 5 years. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.25
You will need a whole day to do this Experiment, choose one where you have no other commitments or plans.
1. First thing in the morning pack a small day pack.
2. Put a full water bottle in, a pen, your Beep!Book, your Growness cards, sun protection, warm layer, a raincoat, your Possibilty stone, simple, nutrient dense food (beans, rice, bread, fruit) and a little cash. DO NOT take your cell phone, laptop or other electrical device.
3. Tell someone that you will be going out and you will be back by the evening (give a time 6pm-10pm). Tell them you will not be contactable in that time and that you are doing an experiment of radically relaying on the Earth Coincident Control Officers. (If they do not understand that, tell them you are practising relaying on your impulses and you are going on an adventure).
4. Centre, Ground and bubble yourself. Declare a golden cube around the whole of Gaia. Set your intention to be at service of Gaia, providing healing and transformational services for the next 6-8hours. You are making yourself known so that ECCO can start arranging things for you.
5. Walk out your gate by 10am at the latest.
6. Radically trust the direction you choose.
7. Listen to every impulse that arises, simply ask "Is this impulse information from ECCO?" DO NOT make it a complicated exercise, the question has a simple "Yes" or "No" answer.
8. Every "Yes" you get, follow that, radically.
9. It might be to walk to certain place, talk to a certain person, walk in a particular direction. You might get a strong urge to go somewhere and you do not how to get there. Ask questions to people, start conversations, you do not need to get anywhere or convince any one of anything.
10. Stay out in the world as an agent of transformation and healing for the whole day.
Note: Many things could happen on this day, make notes in your beep!Book as you go. Note down the names and contact details of people you meet, give people your growness card, let them know where they can find you. Arrange for the next meeting time, leave your cards at cafés on notice boards.
11. Write an article about what happened in your day titled: A DAY OF ECCO DIRECTED TRANSFORMATION AND HEALING
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.25 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write the name of your article. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.26
Everyday for one week make something from scratch that you have never made before.
1. Take walk, find a peice of drift wood that could also act as a spoon. Use it as a spoon for the rest of the day.
2. Research natural hair care alternatives wash your hair with one made from natural, raw unprocessed ingredients that you can make yourself.
3. Research how to make a stool. Get the materials, get the tools, find a support person if you need, make the stool. If it is wobbly or breaks, learn what did not work, make it again until you have a solid stool that can be used daily.
4. Build an outdoor fire and light it with out matches. Get a flint and steel and practise lighting and tending to a small fire.
5. Sit in nature (beach, park, your back yard) whilst the sun is going down for at 30 minutes and simply observe. Notice the changing temperature, the animal, bird and insects that come to life, the changing light. Notice what happens in your 5 bodies during this transformative period.
6. Find someone who knows how to fish. Go fishing with them, gut the fish with a sharp knife. Cook the fish in a flat pan or over an open fire. Eat the fish on the same day.
7. Buy yourself a knife, learn how to sharpen the blade, use it for a whole week as the only eating utensil, for every meal. Prepare all food with it, carry it with you every where.
8. Clean out a chimney with a chimney brush.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.26 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state the number of things you tried from the above list. This Experiment is worth 7 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.27
As you leave modern culture and start sourcing something else. You may discover an ectasy on the path that you want people to follow you. This is a trap. If you 'look good' doing The-Sexy-Cool-New-Thing. Such as, being care free and playful, while speaking about "the woke state" and 'oneness' and practicing disindentifying from the physical ownership, claiming to be untouchable and with out fault, then you are in the trap of the beautiful holy tribal person. You might accumulate people and start circles for others and feel good because people are finally listening to you. Your underworld is feeding on them needing you or saying you look good or are (even slightly) more than them. This happens so quickly and sublty that you might just get an ecstatic taste of it and decide "it is not such a big deal to claim to be someone worth 'following'. What is actually happening is that you are simply dressing patriarchy patterns up in new clothing and selling an illusion.
Instead your job is to go through the Eye of The Needle. It is not to keep looking good and collecting people who need you. Your job is to fall so fully apart there is no putting you back together again. Authentic Initiation is impossible if you need to keep anything together for a shining thing/idea/image you can sell to others. This is a way that the uninitiated adolesent plays out the construct of Patriarchy, dressed up as next culture - a facade that does not hold in the fire of Authentic Transformation.
You will need to completely subvert everything you thought was reality if you are to Authentically emerge into Adulthood. That means finding the point at which you decided to enter Patriarchy. You go back to that point, where you were totally incompetant, where you do not have an identity. You become once more the vulnerble presence that your Being is, with out it's Patriachial shell. Without stories or goals, or recognition or accomplishments.
Going through the Eye of the Needle is a formidable Intiation, one that happens after careful preparation and with a trained spaceholder, skilled at navigating Authentic Initiatory processes. You will not make it through the Eye of the Needle with out the necessary Matrix. If you are "following a beautiful holy tribal person" or the path to becoming one, you will not be gaining the essential Matrix to navigate and be in the necessary Liquid State to go through the eye of the needle. Instead you will be gaining Baggage in the form of teachings and dogma and still be top heavey with your Center outside of you searching for "the way" or the "higher power" or Authority to show you the way.
It is called the eye of the needle because you need to drop enough of your baggage from patriarchy to become small enough to fit through the eye of a needle in order to Start Over from zero.
There are delicious possibilities and diversities avalible for authentically Initiated Adults as they unfold Archiarchy. First all of the patriarchial agreements, structures and accolades you have accumulated must be shed.
Just as the Giant Spider crab must shed its shell every 2 years during it's 100 year life span, leaving it weakened, defensiveless and without protection for up to 7 days, before it grows a new bigger shell.
You too must start the process of totally seperating your fresh vulnerable skin from the hardened shell of patriarchial baggage.
The giant spider crab first starts by secreting enzymes that break apart the shell's connective tissue to it's skin,
You too must start dissolving the connective tissue that attaches you to all Patriachial concepts, systems, images, roles and aggendas, it will be painful because you have come to identify yourself with those parts.
Just as the Giant spider crab then sucks water into the widening space between it's shell and its skin, liquifying the once integral structures that bound it to the hard shell.
You too must go liquid around all the concepts of what it means to be a citizen of patriarchy. As you do so you are making space for the softness of your being to slip through the eye of the needle, so that you can unfold into the fuller, more radiant person who can inhabit and explore the multidemensional nature of the world. You will not fit through with your old rigid shell from patriachy still tightly fixed to your back.
Start navigating towards the Eye of the Needle by being able to experiential distinguish between the Four Feelings and Four Emotions. Practise making a list of every Emotion that comes up in the back of your BeepBook, continue below.
1. Become familiar with the Liquid State by going through one or more Emotional Healing Processes in the next week. Ask an experienced space holder to hold space for you.
2. Choose one item that belongs to you that represents patriarchy, it could be an award or certificate, it could be a status symbol such as a sports team's signed shirt. It could be your car or your business. Choose something and throw it away. The point here is not so much what you do with it, it is more to go through the process of letting it go.
3. Write in your BeepBook every EHP that comes up for you when getting rid of the thing.
4. Go through those EHPs.
5. Every morning for the next month as soon as you wake up Center, Ground and Bubble yourself and declare, "I am leaving Patriarchy".
6. Announce at your next Possibility Team meeting "I am preparing myself to go through the Eye of the Needle, exiting patriarchy forever, please give me my next steps”, write everything they say in your BeepBook.
7. Choose one thing and do it that week.
8. Each time you catch yourself turning towards 'enlightenment' turn instead towards Disillusionment. Let yourself feel the pain (fear, sadness, rage) of complete disillusionment, that in order to survive in patriarchy you had to let the parts of you die that were integral to your Being. That nobody actually cared about you. They only cared about how well you could fulfill your role in patriarchy.
9. When you are ready ask a Trained Spaceholder who has been through the Eye of the Needle process themselves, to holdspace for you to go through the Eye of the Needle.10. Go through the Eye of the Needle.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.27 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state the number of things you tried from the above list. This Experiment is worth 6 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.28
Creating fantasy worlds is a common survival strategy. However, you built your fantasy world so you can dismantle it. A fantasy world is something you created to stay out of contact with reality because of circumstances that seemed overwhelming at the time. You go to the fantasy world because your compass of reality is outside of you. Having your compass of reality outside of you causes a huge amount of Emotional Fear because your Being knows, “this is not reality”. Scanning the outside for rules etc, is the only way available to you to get any sense of navigation.
- Create a Three Cell called the “Compass of Reality”. Meet for at least one hour every week for three months.
- Sit somewhere that you will not be disturbed for about 20 minutes, take your Beep!Book, a timer and pen. Start the timer and write at the top of the page: How I Try To Control Reality. Let yourself write non stop listing all the ways that you think about other people, yourself, time, how you create pressure, how you manipulate and how you avoid feeling. Make it specific like “I stop breathing whenever someone walks towards me on the street to stop myself from feeling scared”. Or “I think that my next healing process will sort out everything and I will never be reactive again and there might not ever be another EHP for me to go through” or “I will get killed if I walk in the streets late at night” or “Archiarchy will fix everything”.
- For the next week, each time your Emotional Fears are very active such that you freeze, go blank, your sexual energy is active in survival strategy, pause.
- Turn time in on itself and go back in time, keep going back until you find the point just before you froze. Ask your fear what the trigger was. Eg a sentence such as “I feel scared because I have to say the right thing”
- Go one step further and find the story under that trigger. It might be “I always have to know what to say”. That is your Doorway to your next EHP.
- Go through the EHP.
- As you are making these discoveries your Buffer Zone is becoming thinner which means you can start to navigate from Your Being. (Watch this STARR to learn more about the Buffer Zone).
- Place your Compass Of Reality inside of you. Do that by lowering your Numbness Bar to your Fear until you can feel 2-15% Fear and ask: 'Fear, what do I need to handle right now?' Then go and handle it.
- Only when your Compass Of Reality is inside of you, can you sense What Is AND what is Possible. This is the only place where you can create real results.
- Notice the sensations and immediate feedback you get as it becomes your being that is responding and not your script or persona.
- Calibrate your Compass Of Reality regularly by practising what the experience of Yes and No is in all your 5 Bodies. Your Authentic "Yes" and "No" happen as Experiential Distinctions, not as mental concepts with Reasons.
- Daily polish your Compass of Reality by practising the sensation of Being Centred so that the experience, becomes is a reference point from within.
- Take this practise to your 3 cell: Centre, Ground and Bubble yourself, (if you need a reminder of how to do this follow the links, it is important that you experience the distinctions of First Position in all 5 bodies). Then make eye contact with person one, person two coaches you to keep your center. Lower your numbness bar and let your Fear rise up through you with out leaving your centre, let your fear run freely through your nervous system. Experience the distiction of having your Compass of Reality inside of you and being in contact with another person.
- Anytime you notice a fantasy world creeping in (sentences, emotional fears, exaggeration), Declare "I am enough in this Small Now", as the Fantasy World shatters at your feet, calmly replace your Compass of Reality back inside of you, with the power of your Intention.
- And imeadiately write out the Story of the fantasy in your BeepBook.
- Stride on with new clarity of the experiencial distinction of Reality.
- Keep catching the stories that you create to build your fantasy worlds, each one you find is keeping you out of contact with reality. Bring the stories you have discovered to your Compass of Reality 3 cell. Ask "how do I avoid reality by using this story to build my fantasy world?", then find the Fear beneith that, which the fantasy world stops you from feeling. Ask for a space holder to go through the EHP.
- After you have done this consistently (ie finding at least one fantasy every day) for one month, write an article titled something like "SHATTERED FANTASIES" and publish it publically.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.28 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section name one fantasy world you shattered. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.29
"The earth is an invitation to Initiation,
to the death of what we have been and the birth of something new"
- David Spangler
You were designed to constantly let parts of your survival structure die to make space for your Being to interact with the infinite forces of the Universe.
1. Set aside a period of time of at least three months.
2. Declare this period of time to be your time to prepare yourself for jacking into your infinite resources.
3. At your next possiblity team meeting ask your team, "please give me possibilities for things I can do to prepare myself for jacking into my Archetypal Lineage.
4. Write down everything they say word for word, if they are not being clear, bring your sword of clarity and ask questions like "for how long? what do you mean? be more specific".
5. For the period of at least 3 months your intention is to prepare yourself for Jacking Into Your Archetypal resources, every EHP you go through is to prepare you for jacking into Infinite resources. Every Practise you do is in preparation.
6. Every night before going to sleep ask your dream world "what are my next steps in preparing myself for jacking into my Archytypal lineage?", write down your dreams every morning as soon as you wake, or find a dream check in buddy to tell them to.
7. Take any next steps that emerge through your dream world.
8. Go through the process of adding mass to your Bright Principles. By choosing one practice for each Bright Principle that you will do for the course of 3 months. Use your Team with their Swords of Clarity and bullshit detectors to refine your practises and make them specific.
After 3 months Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.29 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state one word that describes your 3 month experiment. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.30
As an alive Being you have a heart, the Emotional Body works through the heart, practise opening your heart. Having an open heart while in contact is an act of vulnerbility and skill that becomes easier with practise. Making contact is a skill in that you first must be able to distinguish between your Parts. Then from your Being you Be With the Being of the other person.
1. Sign up to a Heart Gym and attend at least 3 sessions.
2. Choose one person in your day that you will go into contact with. They do not need to know that you are making this experiment. From your Being, make contact with your heart and notice that it has wisdom and information about how to be with this person. Moment by moment Notice what comes and before thinking, speak. Touch their Being with your Being, maintain contact with their Being through maintaining contact with your Heart. If your Box or your Gremlin wants to take over, navigate to your feelings, notice what you are feeling and say something.
2. Allow yourself to stay in the vulnerablilty of that sort of contact and go Liquid with any of the Four Feelings that emerge, Radically Relay on any impulses that come up and do not censor yourself, keep making offers and no matter what their Reaction is. Notice if you get caught in your Mental body or Hooked. If you notice this let your Fear run into your nervous system and navigate back to your heart. Your heart is always there, notice how you can hear its beat. Then make the next move.
3. In either your Three Cell, your Possibilty Team, at the Heart Gym or at Rage Club, ask for a space to do Dragon Speaking. Ask someone to make notes on what you say.
4. "What you are angry about is what you care about", use this to distil what it is you care about with your team.
5. It might be a number of things, choose at least 5 things and beside each thing you care about write one thing you could do about that.
6. For the next week to all 5 things, act before you know how, let the commitment in your Being move you before your mind knows how.
7. If Emotions come up that stop you from acting, go through the EHP then act anyway.
8. Radically rely on ECCO to show you the next step. By starting each day in First Position, call in your Bright Principles and move. Handle the jobs on your bench, commit to something bigger than you. Such as a project that will out live you (such a project includes planting trees, building out regenerative gameworlds, making extraordinary offers of intimacy, collaboration and distinguishing choices that come from your Box, from choices that come from Your Being).
9. Practise Flying with the extreme Lightness that comes from your Being, interacting with Archytypal Forces of the universe.
After completing this experiment. Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.30 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state one thing you care about. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.31
You are Committed to something at all times. The commitment is either Conscious or Unconscious, you know what you are committed to because of the outcomes you create. The universe is a giant feedback machine and is always generating results for you, depending on what you are committed to. Your Hidden Commitments show up in the results also. For example you might think you are committed to pulling weeds today however people keep asking you to do things and you get to 5pm and you still haven't done it and now you are worn out so you do not. Therefore your hidden competing commitment is actually to keep others happy. Which means that happens and the weeding does not.
The same can be said for a bigger situation where you think that you want Authenticity and Vulnerability at the centre of your relationships and build out Gaian Villages that enable life to flourish but you keep getting busy doing other things like checking the stock market, working more hours than is healthy, taking medication for physical pain from lack of Conscious Feelings rushing through your system. The outcome is that you have little time, are exhausted, have your Attention going in all directions and your family does not know you… which means your hidden competing commitment is actually to making money, protecting your Box and Survival Strategy and keeping the cogs of modern culture systems turning… The results never lie.
1. Become aware of the results you are generating by noticing:
What quality of spaces does your Being create?
What kind of experiences keep happening for you?
Where is your attention?
What kinds of problems do you keep having?
What do you resent in the world? Write these down.
2. Each time you fail to follow through on what you said you would do (i.e being 1 or 2 minutes late for an appointment, not getting back to someone on time, not creating what you said would, failing to do what you said you would etc..) immediately put it on the table without justifying.
3. Simply say “I am 2 minutes late because I am more committed to vagueness than clarity” or “I did not get back to you because I am more committed to staying Unconscious of how my actions impact other people” or “I did not participate in building out a regenerative culture for you to inherit because my hidden competing commitment to winning in patriarchy got in the way”.
4. Keep putting these minor and major conflicts of commitment on the table until you become bored of the results you are creating.
5. Then start to follow something more interesting which might be layers of numbed Fear waiting to be felt to bring you to life.
After completing this experiment. Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.31 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state one hidden commitment you found. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.32
Practise these things:
- When an Emotion comes up immediately go through the Emotional Healing Process no matter where you are, ask someone to either Hold Space for you online or in person and go through the process weather you are in a public cafe or in your kitchen or in the lounge. If anyone asks, just say, “I am Ok, I am going through an Emotional Healing Process”.
- Pick five of your Gremlin’s favourite foods. Choose one person in your life (who either lives with you or is in close contact with you). Give them a specific description of how each Gremlin food looks. For one week, ask them to immediately give you Feedback when they catch you doing the behaviour.
- Swap your entire closet with another person’s closet, wear their clothes for one whole week. (Choose someone who is either the opposite gender as you, or has a completely different Box).
- Write a poem everyday and publish it publicly for one month.
- When in conversation with someone say everything that you are thinking, and what your gremlin is judging. Practise Radical Honesty by revealing what is really going on for you for example: “I notice I am pretending I want to keep talking but deep down I am actually trying to end this conversation as quickly as possible”.
- Go into a supermarket, walk around the shop, lower your numbness bar. Feel what you really Feel about being in that environment, if you notice it makes you sad to stand in front of the cheese display, stand there and cry, if you feel scared of the number of biscuit choices, let your fear be there. Pick up a plastic wrapped cucumber, Feel what you really feel about that. Walk out of the supermarket without buying anything.
- Wear nothing but clothing you have made yourself for one week, if you have not made any clothing yourself yet, a plastic rubbish bay with holes cut in it is an excellent first step while you set about making your other items.
- Ask someone who lives with you to place your tooth paste in a different place every night before going to bed. If you live alone, ask a friend to come into your house, while you are not there and for them to rearrange commonly used items (e.g favourite mug, dishcloth, slippers).
- Move towns every month for one year.
- Make a phone call every day for one week to someone who you have not spoken to in a long time. Just say “Hello, I'm ringing to chat and see how you are”.
- For the duration of this experiment, roll up all the mats and rugs in your house to remind yourself to constantly look for small and big ways to “Pull the rug out from under your feet everyday”.
- If there are children in your life, say to them “I am looking for ways in which I am incompetent or unconscious, please give me 3 tasks that I will fail at, I will do them anyway”. (Children have a knack for this, use it to constantly expand your Box and let your beleifs of what is possible and what is not fall away).
After one month, Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.32 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state one believe about yourself or the world that died in the process of this experiment. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.33
This is an on going experiment. You might do this for the rest of your long, adventerous, ecstatic, beautiful, loving, glorious, radiant life. Lets start with one week.
1. For the follow week practise Noticing your own memetics.
2. Start making your memes conscious by finishing these sentences.
- Valuable (people/things/jobs/belongings/actions) are... while unvaluable things are ....
- For me to be loved in this world I must... otherwise...
- I believe that...
- I assume that every one knows...
- Three questions I always ask...
3. For the following week every time you notice your self using one of those beleives/sentences/questions/assumptions, say exactly how this Meme goes. State "I assume you know to put the butter in the fridge because I have a meme that goes everyone knows that butter belongs in the fridge".
4. Keep doing this for every question or assumption that rises up from anything conversation or action that you do. For example "I am buying this brand of hair care because I have a Meme that goes healthy hair is important to be social and attractive and if I am not social and attractive I will be left alone and die'.
5. Get use to being in the Liquid State that happens when you reveal your memes. Let yourself feel the Fear that is there when you reveal your thoughtware.
6. Stay in the Gap that you go into when you reveal your thoughtware and have no new thoughtware, yet.
After one month, Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.33 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state one meme that you have updated. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.34
Lies about tiny things are like micro tears in the fascia of your muscle. They build up and cause inflammation, blockages, congestions and as such your body starts to no longer run in the way it is designed. To be integral means to function as designed, therefore when your body is not functioning as designed, you are out of Integrity.
As you are lying about tiny things you are in fact practising lying so that it becomes easier and easier for you to lie about bigger things as well. A small lie is “I will replace the toilet paper” then you forget. And do not tell anyone and someone else does that, you are out of integrity. A bigger lie is keeping acts of violence or abuse silent, pretending you do not notice that there is abuse happening. Or saying “The plastic I buy has no impact on the planet, what I do does not count”.
Lies create the Culture Of Make Believe. As such the culture you live in has no integrity, the parts are not integrated with reality and the whole is not integral. Instead practise Radical Honesty to create a culture of Creative Collaboration through which the Bright Principle of Integrity shines.
Do the following for one week consistently, it will change your life.
- Centre, Ground and Bubble yourself every time you walk through a doorway.
- For one week, do not tell any lies.
- If you notice you are saying something that is not true, pause and say “I apologise that was a lie, I actually need 12 more minutes and not 10”.
- Stop pretending you know things when you do not. “I feel scared because I do not know”, instead of pretending. Sign up to a Fear Club.
- Stop pretending to not know things when you do. Instead sign up to a Rage Club or Speaking Practice space and start saying what you know.
- Say what you will do and what you will not do and do it, or do not do it.
- The moment you become aware that you can not keep a Commitment to the other people/person let them know.
- Do not try to fix anything ever again, instead lower your Numbness Bar to Fear start saying what you are scared of.
- Reveal your true motivation behind every offer, for example “I would like to study to be a doctor because I want people to come to me and think I am wise and then say nice things about me”, “I want to buy these trousers because it gives a rush of endorphins when a man glances at my bum and I am addicted to exchanging sexual energy with men”.
- Every night for one week, before you go to bed, take out your BeepBook, rewind through your day and write down every lie you told both to other people and to yourself.
- Start catching yourself lying. Each time you do, write down exactly what the lie was about in your BeepBook and clean up the Mess.
- If you are in a space with Expectations, do not pretend there are none. Handle them. For example if you are having a shared meal and notice that there is an unspoken Expectation that ‘whoever cooks does not clean’, say “I will not be cleaning the dishes as I have a call straight after”.
- Practice Speaking before thinking, by opening your mouth and letting the information tumble out, do not censor yourself. If you are a mess, be a Mess and do not try to fix it or hide it.
- If you Notice something happening in a space or a team dynamic, name it.
After one month, Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.34 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state one lie that you caught youself saying. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.35
Your Box is designed to expand after the age of about 15 years. Before then it's main purpose is to keep it's self alive so that you stay alive. While it was doing this you could not see it, it was invisible to you. However do you remember approaching your teenage years and expecting something big was about to happen? What was actually happening was that you were preparing yourself for changing your Box from a defensive structure to expansive so that it could be a tool for you to navigate your daily life and not a survival mechanism. There is a frictionless gap between your Being and Your Box, you are not your Box. Every offer, impulse, idea that comes from your Box becomes optional when you go through the process of turning your Box from a defensive structure to an Expansive one. That can be done in two ways:
- By looking closer and closer at the structure, purpose and mechanics of your box, until it turns into an ever unfolding structure of fluidity, that is capable of becoming Love, Clarity and Evolution.
- By practising new tools and techniquies which make your box optional.
Do this experiment to find that frictionless space between the walls of your Box and Your Being.
Your Box could also be called: My World View, my Belief System, my Birth Culture, My Personality, My Preferences, My self image., My Identities…
- Become curious about other people's Boxes. Notice how they wear their boxes. Go to a public place and watch what do you notice. Find ten different Boxes note down in your BeepBook everything you notice about how each box interacts with the world, list the features of each box.
- Draw a box on a piece of paper, label it “My Box”, write down everything that makes up your box. Every time you find something, draw another box attached to it, so it grows like a scrabble game, keep finding all the things that make up your box and add to it. You will know you have found your box because you will find things like “I believe…” or “I like….”
- Or behaviours that you do constantly such as cleaning the dishes right to left or wearing loose fitting clothing.
- Work with this working model of your box for one week, where you will find out all the nuances to your box, find specific things about your box, such as “My box likes to always sit in the middle of the bus” “My box prefers to be 2 minutes late”.
- For the following week, each time you notice one of the box beliefs, ideas, behaviours or habits, routines coming up. Say “my box wants to … instead I will…”
- Do that other thing instead, that other thing is something from the Unknown, being in the unknown is scary because it holds infinite possibililty.
- Notice what it feels like to do something that your Box is not used to, let yourself experience the imprint of this in your Five Bodies.
- Map out your Box from your Being. Ask someone from your 3 cell or your Possibility Team to tell you the qualities of Your Being for 3 minutes, write these qualities down.
- Take the model of your Box again and for each sentence, part, or model, become very curious about what is actually hapening there. Allow yourself to get really specific at the mechanics of every part of your Box. Eg if part of Box is to be right all the time. Ask how do I make sure I am right? What happens if I am wrong? What is that experience of being right like in my Energetic body? My physical body? My Mental body, my Emotional body and my Archetypal Body?
- Be the neutral Observer of yourself as you notice your Box, as such notice that you occupy the Gap between your Box and the Unknown, in doing so you are free to act, to choose, to create, in any given moment.
- Write a List in your Beep Book of things you have never done before and are actually things you could do, write at least 20 things.
- Everyday for the next two weeks do something from that list.
- Experience the experience of living from outside of your Box, experience what happens when you are no longer in survival mode. You might find that you rest more, go through more EHPs, talk to people more or start things that your Box would not let you start.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.35 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section name one thing you discovered outside of your Box. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.36
Learn to take your Stories off like clothing, for this experiment you will need to carry your Beep!Book with all day. You will also need to be in contact with an EHP Dojo or the EHP Collaboration Group or a trained space holder. It will also become necessary to be signed up to either your next Fear Club or Possibility Laboratory.
- Set your alarm to go off every hour for a whole day.
- When your alarm goes off, pause, Notice what Story you have running,
- Say out loud, no matter if you are alone, with people, in the middle of a conversation or giving a lecture: “I have a story that…”
- Write what your story is in your BeepBook.
- Then proceed to step out of your story like you are stepping out of a onesie.
- Let it fall to the ground
- Find your way closer to the Bottom
- Minimize your Now so that it is only as big as the smallest moment. Just this right here now. Notice your breath, notice what you are Feeling, Notice what you hear, Notice the blood moving through your veins. Keep noticing what is.
- Say what is, eg. A leaf is on the tip of my shoe, there is a line of brown dirt under my thumb nail___
- Carry on with your day until the next alarm.
- At the end of day take your list of stories
- Lower your Numbness Bar to your Fear
- As you read each story, ask yourself: What Fear is this story stopping me from Feeling? Be honest with yourself.
- It is likely you will have a list of Emotional Healing Processes.
- Find a space holder : ask at an EHP dojo, in the EHP Collaboration Group, Your Possibility Team or ask someone directly, go through the Healing processes.
- At the same time learn how to let your being come into contact with the intensity of life with your Conscious Fear running through your nervous system without making up any stories about it.
- At your next Possibility Laboratory or Fear Club or with a trained Space Holder ask to go through the Fear Rewiring Process.
After one month, Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.36 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section name one fear your storyworld was stopping you from feeling. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.37
“The core skill for Radical Relating from the Bottom is experiencing and expressing low, medium, and high intensity Feelings and Emotions of Conscious Fear, Sadness, Anger, and Joy. If you cannot do that, there is nothing else for you to practise, but that”.
- Create a Three Cell for practising relating from your Feelings. In your Three Cell, speak only from your feelings. The only job in the three cell is to commit to each other's Being, through Radical Honesty with each other.
- Practice only saying I feel: Angry, Sad, Scared or Glad because …
- If you Notice Emotions are coming up immediately, name that and write them down in your BeepBook, go through the Healing Process in that week.
- If you notice you have Mixed Emotions, write down what you are mixing in your BeepBook and go through an unmixing process.
- Calibrate your Feelings Detector in your 3 cell by giving and receiving Feedback and Coaching.
- Calibrate by starting to name the percentage of each Feeling you are experiencing in any given moment.
- Go through a process of going as high as you can for each Feeling. Name the percentage that your Feelings Detector says you got to. Have the members of your 3 cell tell you what percentage their Feelings Detector measured. If there is a discrepancy, go for the percentage in the middle. Calibrate your dial accordingly.
- Practice lowering your Numbness Bar so that you can feel each percentage of Feeling at very low percentages: 1-10% notice what sort of information those levels of feelings have for you (for example you might discover that 1% alerts you to a change in temperature in the room)
- Let medium intensities of Feelings run through your body. That will be about 11-35% of each feeling, notice what sort of information that level of feeling has for you. Such as to handle things, or what the feeling enables you to source or create. Practise speaking to another person with medium levels of Conscious Feelings running through your system. While keeping your Center, Grounding cord and Bubble.
- Navigate to higher levels of intensity so that you are feeling 36-100% of each Feeling, keep Feeling and speaking.
- Notice:
- What sort of things need handling with high intensity of feelings?
- What sort of information does high levels of each feeling bring?
- What kinds of things do you start speaking about with higher levels of feeling?
- Notice if you start mixed your feelings at any point, if you drop below that intensity and keep going.
- Notice if you have a “ceiling or blockage" at any point in your feeling such that you can not go any further, note down that point and go through a process of discovering what is blocking you, with a space holder.
12. Note down everything you noticed in your BeepBook and go through any necessary healing processes.
13. When you are interacting with people, speak only from your four feelings. No matter what is happening, lower your numbness bar, notice what you are feeling and start speaking. Say “I feel … because …”
14. Do this experiment until the tight cords of your Box, beleifs and crystilised worldview start to losen. Instead your heart becomes tender and you are more interested in the Ectasy and Intimacy that happens when navigate relating and your life with your numbness bar low and your Conscious Feelings flowing. Commit to this experiment for at least one month including weekly meetings with your 3 cell.
Extra: Stellate each Feeling at a Rage Club, with a Trainer or in a Possibility Laboratory.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.37 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state one shift that happened for you in doing this practice. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.38
Register to a Possibility Laboratory and contact the spaceholder to let them know that you want to go through the Hidden Purpose Process. If you have not done an Expand the Box Training, register to and go through an Expand the Box Training first.
In the Hidden Purpose Process you will get to know your Underworld and the hidden purposes that your Gremlin serves. This gives you immense Clarity on what your Gremlin serves when you are not conscious. You will get to distill your Shadow sentence. Make sure you let it land in all your 5 bodies and learn it by heart so that you can carry it at the tip of your tongue at all times.
Take a stand for going through the Hidden Purpose Process again at your next Possibility Laboratory and refine your Shadow sentence. Repeat this until you have it clear and accurate in yourself what your Gremlin serves. Only then will you get to navigate your Middle World, your Underworld, and your Upperworld with your Gremlin as a navigation aid.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.38 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state one shift that happened for you in doing this practice. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.39
1. Join a Gremlin Transformation program to wipe the dust from your eyes amd your heart.
Gremlin Transformation is evolutionary and moves you (and your Gremlin) into entirely new domains of relating ecstatically, of creating originally, and inventing responsibly. The distinctions, tools, and processes in Gremlin Transformation are central to any Archiarchal adulthood initiation Path.
Without Gremlin Transformation and its associated Healing and Initiation processes, you will not have enough experiential clarity, free attention, adult matrix, or freedom of movement to be Present without your Gremlin automatically running your life. You will only able to enact your automatic survival strategy. Your eyes will be blinded by your survival dust, and your heart will be closed.Gremlin Transformation goes in phases and is a journey. There are four or five Phases of Gremlin Transformation Work, and you will need to start at the first Phase, which is Phase 0. In that phase, you get to meet your Gremlin.
You will find your next available Gremlin Transformation Training by checking the offers of the Gremlin Transformation spaceholders here. If you have already gone through Chapter 0, consider going through it again, or check your X on the Map with one of the Gremlin Transformation spaceholders. Then join the next program.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.39 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state one shift that happened for you in doing this practice. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.40
Before you are capable of engaging in this experiment, you need to go thoroughly through Gremlin Transformation. Start with Experiment HITBOTTO.39.
After transforming your Gremlin to being an agent of Transformation and Nonlinear Possibility at your side, then you are ready for this Experiment:
Join an Egostate Decontamination Team to gain access to free and natural adulthood.
Contamination is a very effective survival strategy. You put something besides yourself in charge of your life. It is a very common survival strategy. The problem is that your Adult Egostate cannot participate in life while it is contaminated - instead it is twisted in with multiple contaminations by Gremlin, Child, Parent or Demon until you Decontaminate it yourself. You need a Team for that.
The Decontamination process works by Decontaminating one behaviour at a time over roughly a couple of years, with a coach. You can find your Decontamination Coach here. Then commit to the journey, book your Coach and start decontaminating.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.40 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state one shift that happened for you in doing this practice. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.41
There is a curious law in physics that predicts how reality is changed through observation. This means the more you try to touch reality, the more you will find chaos, mess and flux. Being on the Bottom this law becomes your playing field, do not try to hold it all together or fix it into place. Instead learn to be in the Chaos and the Nothingness. The moment you attempt to bring order you leave The Bottom, learn to create outcomes that are stable even from the mess and Chaos of Reality.
- Centre, Ground and Bubble yourself. Stay centred no matter what. Practise staying centred by recentering yourself everytime you walk through a doorway.
- Ask someone from your Possibility Team, your 3 cell or at an EHP Dojo to be on your team to practise centering. Every morning, for one week, meet with your partner for 5 minutes. Center, Ground and Bubble take turns guiding each other. As you are going through the practice, Notice what is happening in your Energetic Body. Notice where your Attention is, notice what is happening in your physical body, your mental body and your emotional body. Centering is not about being Numb, if you start to Feel things as you are centering yourself, Feel each Feeling separately, without putting a Story to it.
- Hold space for 10 people who you do not know to go through Emotional Healing Processes.
- Start the process by asking them “What can I do for you?"
- They will tell you immediately, your job is to Hold Space for them to Feel and let it be what it is without trying to fix or change them.
- Whilst you are Holding Space, Split your Attention so that one part of your attention is at all times in touch with Chaos. Split your Attention again so that it is also on your own Centre, Grounding cord and Bubble. With your intention place your Bubble close to your bones, split your attention again and place this part of your attention on the space. Hold the space for the Bright Principles to do their work with the Chaos of reality.
- Place part of your Attention on your Gremlin and give it the job of letting you know if it catches itself becoming active or the other person’s Gremlin is active. Act immediately if it becomes active.
- Use the impulse it brings you to open another Door, offer a possibility, commit again to the Being of the person, by naming what is happening and saying what you are committed to.
- Use your feelings to navigate to connection and Be With the person, use your Fear to Speak from the Unknown, and also to keep track of the time.
- If you Notice that the space is becoming Linear that your Box wants to fix, that your introducing order, or solutions, or bringing in stories, navigate closer to the Bottom again by placing your attention on Chaos.
- Let the client have their own experience of the chaos that you have sourced by staying close to the Bottom and being in touch with reality.
- As your Conscious Fear lets you know that the time is coming to an end, find a way to close the space, tell the client what you saw happening. Speak from your heart, not your head. It is not about trying to remember everything so as to tie the space up with a pretty bow, it is about letting each word come from your heart as a reflection of reality, making sense does not matter to your heart. As you are speaking to them let one practice emerge authentically from the chaos and land it in their Being, Radically Rely on the Bright Principles in the space. The practice has a frequency, duration and is specific.
- Thank your client, close the space and create a Black Hole, vanish the Black hole.
Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.41 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write one thing you noticed about chaos. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.42
You always have Jobs on your bench. You can choose to do them, ignore them, do them in zombie mode or choose to do them to the very best of your ability so that you can become grounded in reality. Reality is where you get to practise and refine your talents because reality is the only real teacher.
1. Take out a pen and paper and write down all the jobs on your bench at the moment.
2. Write every article that is on your bench to write.
3. Write down every tiny job that needs doing in the physical house you live. Write down the jobs you need to do on your computer, at your work place, with your family, out in the community, the garden, the shed, the jobs on your creative work bench.
3. Write down every conversation you need to have and thing you notice that need doing. Place the list on the fridge or the wall of your house.
4. Over the course of the following month do every job on your list as if you are an Apprentice to that craft. If the car needs cleaning, do that with so much care, attention and love, as if you were to become the successor of that service lineage. If your sock needs a hole darned in it, carefully set aside time to meticulously close the hole.
5. Bring your full Attention to every job you do. Notice that if the job is on your bench it is your job to do. Ask yourself, every job that you do: What can I learn about the nature of reality from this job? How can I better do this job? what would it take to do this job 10% better? Keep asking those questions until you find the ectasy in Creating in alignment with Reality. Let everything else fall where it may (ie stories, pressure, projections, shoulds, energy vampires). Your job is to do your job as if it was the greatest act of Love you ever got to do.
6. Place part of your Attention on your Archetypal Body in every job you do, start noting down possible Job titles in the inside front cover of your Beep!Book as you actively do and ticking off your jobs.
7. At the end of one month write an article titled something like: WHAT REALITY TAUGHT ME THROUGH A MONTH OF JOBS
After one months Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.42 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section write your job title. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code HITBOTTO.43
“The Only rules that matter are these: what a (person) can do and what a (person) can not do.”- Adapted from Cpt. Jack Sparrow
A three cell can have 3 or 4 people in it. A two cell is not a three cell and does not work. For this experiment, include in your three cell at least two other people who have highly refined, bullshit detectors. You can tell these sorts of people because your Box might go liquid around them, you might feel scared and you might not be ‘comfortable’ around them. This is a great basis to form a Disillusionment 3 cell on.
- In your three cell dedicate one meeting to putting your money situation on the table, in full sight, all your debts, incomings, outgoings, taxes and upcoming costs. Hide nothing from your Disillusionment three cell.
- Set the timer for 30 mins, first person starts by Feeling all their Feelings about their current money situation. The other's encourage them to Feel everything, to go totally liquid around this topic by asking questions such as:
"What do you feel about money?’’
“draw your relationship to money”
"how does money go in your world”
“if I were to increase the amount of money going around in your money loop by 10,000%, how big a mess would that make? Assuming no change in the current set up”.
After 30 minutes swap to the next person.
3. Commit to Radical Honesty in your three cells by slaying Fantasy Worlds. Radically Rely on each other's Swords of Clarity by asking each person the questions:
- How do you fool yourself that everything is ok?
- How are you still pretending to be a good person?
- How do you set your world up so that you can not be blamed for anything?
- How do you avoid Responsibility for this planet?
- Specifically describe with details and examples how you set your life up so that you have zero responsibility for the quality of the oceans, including the Thoughtware and Survival Strategies that stop you from authentically Feeling anything about the atrocities humans are doing to this planet.
4. Use one session to ask each person these questions about Integrity:
- What conversations do you need to have?
- What specific actions are you avoiding taking?
- How have you been designing your life so that you avoid integrity in your day?
5. Ask specifically about how you create the game of being a Victim in a Responsible Universe by asking the questions:
- What is one thing you could do right now that would prove you are in fact not a victim?
- What is one thing you could choose to do to prove that you live in a Radically Responsible universe and that it is impossible to be a victim?
- What is one thing you could choose to take 100% responsibility for, for absolutely no reason. (for example you could decide that you are responsible for the political system of the United States of America and that every act you make that is out of Integrity feeds that Gameworld.
7. Make it a tradition in your 3 cell is to pop the bubble of inadequacy as much as it is to pop the bubble of grandiose by:
- Refining your Purpose Sniffer so determin if stories/actions or offers are serving a conscious or unconscious purpose. If the purpose is unconscious the purpose of the offer will be to avoid responsibility.
- Refine your compass of reality to pick up any Fantasies such as: “my next offering will attract 25 people and from then on I will have a thriving Gameworld that sustains me financially for ever”.
- Or any Fantasies of “Oh well it will all be alright in the end” ,“at least I am trying” or “Give me a break I am working hard”.
8. Strip down the language you use in your 3 cell until information is shared with Clarity, while Feeling and Authenticity is central to how you navigate spaces together. Commit to allow Chaos (see experiment HITBOTTO.41) to be an essential ingredient in your 3 cell meetings.
9. Practise staying Centred, Grounded and Bubbled while another person intentionally crafts and throws hooks at you designed to Hook you into illusions of both “great and shiny plans” and “there is no use in trying”.
10. Refine your Knacks: Evoke the qualities of each other’s Beings. Have one person write down everything that I said about the qualities of each person’s Being.
- Research for one week your knack by asking 20 different people the question : “what is my knack?"
- Practice offering Non-Material Value. One person comes to the other person as the client to receive Non-Material Value, the other provides their Non Material Value (non material value is something that shines through the being of each individual person. It can show up as a particular quality of presence, noticing or sensitivity, you know about non material value it is that thing that can not be standardised, it can not be reproduced in a factory, it is the thing that nudges you to choose to walk one street and not another or to call one person a friend and another an acquaintance. It is the most human part of interacting).
- Practise naming the Non Material Value you see in each person in your three cell. Go directly to them for that exact knack. For example this experiment writer is in contact with one person who has a Knack for noticing the exact words that need cutting from my writing. I send writing to that person and they slay the surplus words for me, streamlining my writing. Another person on my team has a particular quality of presence. Healing happens in her presence, her Non-Material value is such that her Being is healing. I have another person who has a knack for giving rich, exciting, diverse possibilities.
- Practice delivering your human Knacks, at The Bottom where there are no stories, no inflated promises or illusions of a better or worse tomorrow. All that applies is the value that comes through the alive consciousness of a real human being's presence.
- Exchange your value, for that of the other’s in your three cell.
- Continue to do so until you have a Distinction in your Five Bodies of being in direct connection with the raw power of each other’s value as human beings. For this you will actually need to actually be Present. Being present is messy and loud, it has feelings and it is the only place that Bright principles and your Archetypal Body can move you. Learn to be there. (Avoid the hollow Handsome-Holy-Tribal-Man/Sacred-Angel-Goddess trap)
- Exchange only nonmaterial value by writing exactly what is valuable that comes through each person. And what value comes through you. Create a shared document for your three cell and write abundantly and specifically what each person comes with. Name your Non-Material value on your website and exchange it in the telegram group with each other and other people.
11. Ask for Radically Honest Feedback on where you are still fooling yourself that you are someone important and where you are waiting for your real life to begin. Ask for coaching on specific practices that will align you with The Bottom where your real life does begin.
12. Do an inventory check of all your current Commitments. Including what Gameworlds you are still playing in.
- For example: are you committed to your parent’s gameworld still by working in a job that your parent’s asked you to work in.
- Are you still committed to banking systems or
- Are you employed by a corporation that has no ability to take responsibility?
- Do you participate in the oil and gas industry by driving your car?
- Are you still connected to bigger enterprises by purchasing items and staying in their money loops, such as supermarkets?
- Are you still playing out in a schooling system by trying to please an outside authority or using the qualifications you got from the schooling system to make sure you are paid and making things happen?
After one months Please register Matrix Code HITBOTTO.43 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the proof section state one name one way you have been deluding yourself. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Tim Minchin
Why do people laugh during this performance? It is not funny. He is not fooling around.
Who would you need to be, to be able to do this? (besides a master musician...)